The theatre

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Kawaii Chan's pov
Once we got to the theatre, zane senpai let kawaii chan pick the movie, but kawaii chan couldn't choose so she asked the guy at the booth for something romantic, he gave us two tickets and we went to our theatre area.
The movie is called the fifty second date, after we sat down zane senpai and kawaii chan talked about many different things. While we were talking the movie finally started, so we agreed that we should watch the movie instead. About halfway through the movie kawaii chan pretended to fall asleep on zane senpai's shoulder, it worked because zane senpai put his arm around kawaii chan and kissed her on kawaii chan's head. Kawaii chan liked the warmth of zane senpai's body. It was nice, then i heard the movie ending. Zane senpai picked kawaii chan up and put kawaii chan on his back, kawaii chan was still pretending. Kawaii chan heard zane senpai and Laurence kun talking about where to go next, but then kawaii chan actually fell asleep!
Kawaii chan woke back up on zane senpai's back. He was walking somewhere, kawaii chan started to move around on zane senpai back to see if he would notice.
Zane senpai: good morning kawaii chan.
Kc: good morning zane senpai, where are we?
Zane: an old picnic spot
Kawaii chan looked up to see the full moon in all its beauty.
Kawaii chan hugged zane senpai tighter, she wanted to feel his warmth again.
Zane: here we are
Zane senpai bent down to let kawaii chan off, then he pulled out an instant picnic potion and splashed it on the grass, instantly a large blanket formed on the ground with a box full of sugar cookies. "Sugar cookies! Kawaii chan loves sugar cookies!"
Zane: Only the best for my little kitten
Kc: zane senpai! Kawaii chan is a big kitty neow!
Zane: ok then, so if i...
Zane senpai tickled kawaii chan until kawaii chan said she was a little kitty.
Kc: zane senpai i will always be your little kitty
Kawaii chan can't believe she said that! What is kawaii chan doing!?!
Zane: good, only the best little kittens get suprises.
Kc: And what about the bad little kitty?
zane: i suppose that she will get something too.
Kc: and what is that?
Zane: ill show you *kisses kawaii chan*
Omi Yasssss!!!!!!!!
Zane kun kissed me!!!!!!
Omi gosh!!!!!
Kawaii chan cant beli-

Kawaii chan passed out

Ok guys before i post the next chapter
i need to know if i can put smut
in the story, is it allowed or not? Pls tell
I also have smut and non smut version ready, so when i get an answer i will post one or the other.

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