Meif'wa? Or me?

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Zane's pov

Zane: what did you want to talk about lucin-
Before i could finish my sentence, lucinda threw a potion at me, giving me ears and a tail.
Zane: Lucinda!
Lucinda: It helps if there is another meifwa around
Zane: so couldn't we get michi?
Lucinda: nope, it has to be a guy meifwa.
Zane: i have a feeling you secretly wanted this didn't you?
Lucinda: maybe im just supporting kawaii chan right now, all she wanted is a good man in her life
Zane: so your not gonna change me back?
Lucinda: nope
Zane: Im going back to my room
I said as i walked up the stairs, trying to get used to the feeling of a tail.
I quickly stopped by kawaii chan's room to check on her, she sleeping but it look like she will wake soon.
So i went back to my room and sat down, forgetting about my tail and sitting on it.
That seriously hurts, so i get back up and sit down like kawaii chan does, and start petting my tail making sure i didn't break anything.
Now i know why cats like to be petted, it feels really good, not to sound perverted.
I can also hear and smell alot better than i used to, which means i can smell kawaii chan's horomones going all over the place in her room...
Wait her door just opened, is she coming?
Kc: good morning zane senpai *yawn*
Zane: how are you feeling kawaii chan?
Kc: better *she says while snuggling up to me*
Zane senpai, since when are you a meif'wa?
Zane: you can thank lucinda
*I start petting kawaii chan's tail*
Kc:*purrs* 0/////0
Zane: your too cute
Kc: 0////////////0
Kc: *pets my tail*
I can't stop myself from purring, becuase it feels so soothing and good.
We keep petting eachother until aphmau barges in yelling
Aphmau: i hear kittens!!
Zane: only one kitten here
Aphmau: Omigosh my otp has sailed!!!!!!
Zane: its not like that!
I yell at her while she runs away fangirling. During all the comotion, kawaii chan somehow fell asleep on my shoulder, shes cute when she sleeps. NOT PERVERTED.

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