He's, he, he is

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Hehehe guys, its that time of the series where i try to wrap it up by either crushing your dreams or making them become more true than you ever thought they could be.

I hope you guys enjoy
- Author
Zanes pov

"Thank you zane senpai!!!!!!" She said as i hid the black box behind my back.
"No problem..."
Now i have to go find Aaron, i need a huge favor
Kawaii chan went upstairs and started to play with it, so i went to go find aaron, he was on the roof with aphmau.
Zane: listen Aaron, i need some help, *explains elaborate plan behind scenes cause author is evil*
Zane: what do you think?
Aaron: Ill do it , how bout you aph?
Aphmau: Only cuz, MY OTP IS SAILING!!!!
Zane: Thank you guys, you dont know how much this means to me.
Zane: Alright guys, now ill go ask her, i trust you'll tell no one.
Aph and Aaron: youre secret is safe
Time skip for say, a couple seconds

Zane: hey kawaii chan, you wanna go on a date tonight?

Kc: S-sure zane senpai, kawaii chan will go on another date with you, when are we leaving?
Zane: we need to be ready by 10, ill see you then
Kc: ok, kawaii chan will be ready!

Another time skip brought to you by your lazy author

Zane: you look beautiful kawaii chan
Kc: zane senpai, you look nice too
Zane: Are you ready?
Kc: ready as kawaii chan will ever be.
Zane: its not too far from the house, do you want to walk?
Kc: Sure!
Zane: right this way

Too many time skips later

zane: Here we are
Kc: this place seems familiar
Zane: its the same clearing we went to after the movies.
Kc: but now theres a gazebo!
Zane: yup, and the waiters are waiting (no pun intended)
Kc: *giggles* lets eat then
We sat down at the table and aphmau and Aaron immediately got the champagne and the food
Kc: Aaron kun? Aphmau senpai?
Zane: i asked them for a huge favor, so there helping me out
Kc: you guys are too nice!
Aaron: its no problem, really

Time sped up not skip

Random bologna
More random bologna
Zane: kawaii chan, i love you for who you are, not just for what you are on the outside, but for the kind and caring person on the inside. You made my life so much better and opened my heart up. I want to keep it like this forever, so kawaii chan will you marry me?
Kc: zane senpai, yes yes yes! Kawaii chan will marry you!!!!
Kawaii chan said as she hugged me and was crying.

Aphmau was crying in the background, hugging Aaron.
Aaron was giving me the nod of aproval.

Kc: zane senpai, kawaii chan is pregnant. ~Cough Cough, next series hint Cough Cough~
Zane: the sudden news hit me like a brick
Kc: kawaii chan is sorry she didn't tell you earlier
Zane: its ok, ill love you no matter what
Kc: lets go home zane senpai
Zane: alright, you guys did great
Aaron: no problem, just be there at our wedding got it?
Zane: i will

Scene change

Everyone is walking back to the house, about to cross the street

Kawaii chan's pov

Kawaii chan started to cross the road with zane senpai when she heard the frantic honking of a car heading straight for us, time seemed to slow as the car got closer, kawaii chan felt someone shove her, and then heard the screech of tires. Kawaii chan opened her eyes and screamed, zane senpai was silent laying there on the asphalt."Zane senpai!!!!!!" i screamed
"Thank you kawaii chan for making me happy, *coughs up blood* for making my life better"
"No zane senpai, i wont let you leave them alone" i said while crying
"They are not alone, they will have y-"

Zane senpai dont leave me...

His body went limp in my hands, His blood stained my hands,
My hands that wore the same ring he gave me

He is gone

Thank you for reading,
I'll see you in the next one
- Sincerely Author

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