Drill sargent kawaii chan

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The picture doesn't match the story... but it doesn't matter ri-

Kawaii chan: yes it does author kun!

Kawaii chan, youre breaking the fourth wall here.

Kawaii chan: kawaii chan doesn't care, she just wants good pictures.

Fine, next chapter will have a better picture ok?

Kawaii chan: yaaay!!!

P.s. this is a few days ahead of the last episode. Im evil i know, but you'll find out what happened later.

Zane's pov
As soon as i woke up kawaii chan started drilling me on what it is to be a meif'wa, and i mean drill sargent kawaii chan barged in and gave me the one two on how to be a meif'wa.
Surprisingly meifwa culture is a lot more complicated than we realized.
I'm not supposed to touch anyone with my tail otherwise its considered an act of love, im supposed to sleep 17 hours of the day or im a baka. And not last and certainly not least, no touching another meifwas ears, period.

Kc: so can kawaii chan now trust you with the 42 meifwa commandments?!?

Zane: yes kawaii chan
Kc: thats drill sargent kawaii chan to you mister!
Vylad: you two are adorable
Zane: whered you come from?
Vylad: the world may never know *puff, ninja smoke bomb*
Kc and zane: *cough cough cough*

Zane: Well kawaii chan, does pancakes sound good?
Kc: nyaaaah!

About ten minutes later...

Kawaii chan's pov

Kawaii chan Has noticed that zane senpai has been acting wierdly all morning, maybe zane senpai is just getting used to meif'wahood.

Zane: i need to go to the store kawaii chan, ill be back soon
Kc: oh oh can kawaii chan come with?
Zane: nope, its got to be a suprise
Kc: but zane senpai!
Zane: ah ah no buts!
Kc: fiine, kawaii chan will wait
Zane: good kitty

Zane senpai walks out

2 hours later

Kawaii chan is sooo bored, she already baked 4 sets of sugar cookies and cant wait much longer!

Aaron: hi kawaii chan
Kc: hey Aaron kun
Aaron: aph sent me to check on you, and wanted me to ask you if zane too-
Kc: Aaron kun shut up
Kc: that's kawaii chan's problem and no one elses.
Aaron: ok then, ill leave you to whatever you were doing and ill be on my way.

Kawaii chan hears a knock on the door.
Kc: I GOT IT!!
Kc: zane senpai!
*zane senpai pulls out rarest my little horsie in existance*
Kc: you didn't!
Zane: yup, i did
Kc:*extremely high pitch screaming*
Kc: thank you zane senpai!!!!!!
Zane: no problem...

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