Kawaii chan's dilema

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Kawaii chan's pov


Kawaii chan just had a dream about zane senpai...
Kawaii chan can't have another dream like that! But kawaii chan wants to!!!!

Kawaii chan has five more days before her heat is over, kawaii chan can do this!
Kawaii chan has to stay away from zane senpai, at least for five more days.
But what is aphmau senpai gonna think?
Kawaii chan should tell aphmau senpai about kawaii chan's problem. Maybe aphmau senpai can help.

Zane's pov

As soon as i woke up i noted a destinct lack of a meif'wa laying next to me, maybe she went back to her room?
I got up and walked over to kawaii chan's room, but before i opened the door i saw the calendar on her door said that the tenth was when 'heat is over'
Was that why kawaii chan is passing out so much? Nonono thats just her, but she shouldn't keep this calendar outside her door if she puts stuff like that on it.
I knock on the door to no avail.
I knock again, no results.
I walk downstairs to see not kawaii chan, but Aaron waiting for me.
Aaron: zane, we need to talk
Zane: if its about kawaii chan i know
Aaron: then you need to know aphmau took her to be away from you until its over.
Zane: i suppose that's for the best.
Aaron: dont look behind you
Zane: why?
Aaron: Shes clawing at the window...
I slowly turn around to see kawaii chan walking away from the window, torwards the door.
Aphmau: zane, run!!!
I hear aphmau a split second before kawaii chan ran through the door tackling me and pinning me to the ground.
Aaron: hold on kawaii chan, take these, the'll make you feel better.
Aaron handed her a small black pill, kawaii chan took it and started to hungrily kiss me.
Aaron: give it a minute...
Kawaii chan started to slow down and eventually fell asleep ontop of me.
I poked her to make sure she was asleep, then started to put her over my shoulder and walk to her room.
Aaron: don't worry, it will last for a couple of days, unfortunately she'll wake up before its over.

Aaron: Oh and lucinda wants to talk to you
Zane: alright then, *sigh*

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