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A/N: This fic was here before but I took it down and put it on ao3 instead. I want to bring it back here because it's edited and I believe it's angsty enough for wattpad xD Anywhoo I hope you enjoy :)

"Fuck yeah schools finally over, got any plans for the summer Mikasa?" Eren said as he grabbed the last of his stuff from his locker and headed for the door.

"Dunno, Levi doesn't want to leave town so I guess I'll be staying too. Hey, why don't we have the gang come over Saturday night to kick start the summer with a party?" She walked alongside Eren and reached into her pocket for her phone. "I'll ask Sasha, Marco and Jean you get Connie, Armin, Bertholdt, and Reiner."

"No need to text Armin," Eren grinned.


She felt someone pinch her sides and shout "BOO!"

"AH! Armin!" Mikasa turned around to see a giggling blonde, red in the face from trying to hold in his laughter.

"So you're having a house party? I'm in." He started walking with Mikasa and Eren, playful banter continuing between the trio. "Hey, how is Levi?"

"Yeah, he's good. New part-time job at the dry cleaners" Mikasa smiled and nudged Eren. "And still straight as fuck."

"Ugh shut up Momkasa" Eren grumbled, sticking out his tongue.

"We all know you're hella gay Eren." Armin giggled "Especially for Levi. Such a love triangle. You, like a kid brother to Mikasa, her actual brother Levi overprotective of her and you crushing on him even though he's straight. Poor Eren"

"He might be gay in Eren's dreams" Mikasa added with a grin.

"Shut up dumbasses" He tried to sound annoyed but they both felt him smirk anyways.

The trio all lived on the same street so they walked to and from school together every day. Levis motorbike was parked in Mikasa's driveway as usual when she walked up to her door. She waved goodbye to Eren and Armin and went inside. She dropped her house keys on the hall table and wandered into the kitchen to the fridge.

"Levi what the fuck are you doing" She mumbled not looking up from the fridge.

"Cleaning. Honestly, there are so many germs in spider webs and dust." He complained from the stool he was standing on, which was on the kitchen table. And, of course, a feather duster in hand. "Tch. Disgusting."

She turned around with a bottle of juice and an apple in hand. "Hey some people are coming over tomorrow night can you pick up some beer, vodka, and tequila?"

"You're not even legal I really shouldn't be buying you that stuff."

"Aw come on you were somehow buying drink all the time when you were my age." She took a swig of the juice. "It's the summer anyways so whats the worst that could happen?"

"You could fuck some dude and get knocked up. I will not have a little brat running around my house."

"It's not your house."

"Moms house, she's always gone on business trips, I cook and clean so it's basically my house." He hopped off his perch and took her uneaten apple and bit into it. "I'll get beer and vodka. No tequila that shit is too strong."

"Thanks, bro" She punched his shoulder playfully and headed upstairs, leaving him to clean whatever 'mess' there still was in their spotless house.

Flopping on her bed she took out her phone and made a group chat with Sasha, Marco, Jean and herself.

NEW GROUP! This group: Me, Neighbeline, Potatoes, Marco.

Me: Hey guys, house party my place tomorrow. Bring booze. 6pm onwards :3

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