Cue Hange

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"Huh? Who's there?" He couldn't see anything all he could hear footsteps pat around on the floor around him.

"It's me silly!" He felt cold hands remove some sort of material from around his eyes and had to squint against the bright lights shining down on him. He instantly wished he was still blindfolded . "Boo!"

He was strapped to what looked like a surgical table. There were belts across his chest, arms, legs and one across his forehead leaving him completely immobilized.

A chill went up his spine as he stared back into those glassy doll-like eyes and he tensed up. Her ear to ear smile reminded him of the Cheshire cat. "J-Jade what are you doing...?"

"We need to fix you don't we?" She giggled. "And how else are we gonna do that?"


His eyes went wide as she rolled over a trolley with various utensils on it, including a scalpel, scissors, pliers, forceps, a drill and some others Eren didn't know the names of, all on a stainless steel tray. "We're going to fix you."

"No- stop! let me go!"

"Hush now Eren darling it will all be over soon." She leaned down to give him a kiss on the cheek before putting on some sterile gloves. She let them snap against here wrists and turned back to him with a smile. "You're gay so you can't love me. Being gay is a mental illness isn't it? And where are mental illnesses found? All in your head. So that's what we're gonna fix."

"W-w-wait! Stop! No! You don't know what you're doing!" He felt tears start to flow down his face as she hovered her left hand over the utensils before choosing the drill and turning it on.

"Now Eren, calm down. This won't hurt... much."

She stepped closer and held up the drill, inching it closer to his temple. "Fix it... Time to fix it..."

Eren closed his eyes and let out a sob. "Levi!" He felt a pulse go through his head and body. His eyes snapped open and he was falling through darkness, tumbling and unable to stop.

"Eren?" He heard a voice again but this one was softer, almost a whisper.

He looked around but couldn't see what direction it was coming from. It was as if the voice was in his own head, calling to him.

"Eren!" It was getting louder. It sounded familiar... wait, could it be...? It sounded like-

"Eren! Wake up!" Louder. "It's just a dream!"

"Levi?" His eyes snapped open yet again to find two firm hands shaking his shoulder. "L-Levi!"

"Eren are you ok? You were shouting and thrashing about in your sleep." He cradled the boy in his arms and rocked back and forth slowly.

The brunette cracked a sob and buried his face in Levi's chest. "I- She-" He choked out before clinging onto Levi's shirt, unable to speak.

"Shh. Don't speak until you're ready. Don't force yourself Eren."

"Levi- hold me." He tried to pull Levi closer if that was even possible, they were practically melded together with how tight Eren was grasping him.

"Yes, yes I'll hold you Eren, it's ok, you're ok. You're safe." He stroked Eren's hair and whispered kind things in his ear.

After about ten minutes Eren was fully calmed down and sat in Levi's lap telling him what his dream had been about.

"Did she really say that? In the shop I mean?"

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