Butterfly Kisses

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A nurse came in a little while later and took Eren off the drip but leaving the cannula inside and securing it with some band-aids. As soon as the nurse left they heard footsteps coming fast up the hall.

"Eren!" Carla Jaeger barged through the door in an almost comical way and threw herself towards her son. "My baby, my baby boy are you alright? What am I saying, of course, you're not!"

"Mom I-"

"I was so worried! I was only able to visit you for a short while straight after you were admitted my work has been piling up in the office! I'm so sorry baby, I would have been right beside you the whole time if I could but Levi darling seemed to take care of that for me," She turned to Levi with tears in her eyes. "Thank you so much for being beside him the whole time!"

"I-its fine Mrs. Jaeger, I didn't do much only sit here with him while he was passed out, he's only been up for an hour so be careful please." He shifted awkwardly where he stood. 'What a strange way to meet his mother for the first time.'

"You're practically a mother to him yourself, Levi, saying 'be careful with him' and all. I really cannot repay you for this, he's all I have since his father left."

Eren visibly tensed when she mentioned his father but she didn't seem to notice. "Em... Levi? Did the doctor say when I can go home?" He folded his hands neatly in front of him and rubbed them together nervously.

"Tomorrow morning if you're feeling up for it." Levi sat beside him and placed his hand over Eren's. "The nurses will check you in the morning and see if you're good to go."

"Oh thank god." Carla sighed, settling in a chair across from Eren's bed. "I will have a welcome home party for you baby how does that sound?"

"You kind of ruined the surprise of it by telling me."

"Oh don't worry it's no surprise I just wanted to make sure you were ok with it beforehand, I don't want to overwhelm you the second you get home from hospital." She grinned and leaned forward, placing her elbows on her knees and her hands clasped together under her chin. "Anyone you want to invite?"

"Well, Levi, Mikasa, and Armin for a start and... I think that's enough. I don't feel like being around a lot of people." He turned to face Levi. "Is that ok with you?"

"Yeah, I don't have plans for the next week. I rang my boss and told him I'll be back next week for personal reasons, I didn't know how long you would be out."

"You have an extremely dedicated friend here Eren I'm jealous!" Carla laughed, "Sounds like a plan so, I'll have a cake, chips and drinks for you kids and you can watch a movie or something in the living room."

"That will be fine mom, thanks," Eren smiled weakly and Levi could sense something was wrong. "Are you staying long?"

"No, I just popped in, I need to get to a store on the way home and grab a cake for you for tomorrow silly!" She stood up, dusted herself down and gave Eren a kiss on the cheek, "I'll see you tomorrow baby, get well soon!"

"Thanks, mom!" And with that, she skipped out the door and off down the hall. Eren smiled, "She's a bit of a scatter brain isn't she?"

"Alright, what's bugging you?" Levi raised an eyebrow.

He tensed up again. "N-nothing! I'm fine I'm just tired that's all."

"No. Something is bothering you don't try and hide it. What's wrong? You can tell me." He wrapped an arm around the brunette's waist. "You've been tense since your mom spoke about your dad."

"I- nevermind it doesn't matter..."

"Eren please, I want to help you and I can tell there's something up between you and him. Is he the man you were shouting about?"

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