Chapter One

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Sunlight soaked my body as I mindlessly pulled clumps of grass from the ground. I knew that my Grandma would scold me later for pulling at the grass; she was already trying to regrow the few patches that I had picked bare. But I couldn't help it, I came outside to think or when I was bored and it was just instinct to rip clumps from the ground. Bored like today.

My Father had left me in charge of camp today, not his wisest decision as alpha. All the others wolves had gone out hunting leaving only my Grandma, Gabriel, and I at camp. The wolves that didn't go hunting were in town working or running errands. I was pretty much deserted.

I wanted to leave and go roam the forest, but it restricted by pack laws. One must never leave their watch post; they must protect the camp with their life. But of course being my rebellious self, I decided to abandon post. I was itching to go for a run through the forest, fell the wind beneath my fur.

A blonde head across camp caught my eye and I turned to see Gabe walking between the log cabins. Perfect.

I stood from my place in the field and jogged over to my apprentice. He was about eleven or so, totally capable of watching camp for a short time. I hope.

"Gabe!" I called, causing the small boy to turn and fix his big, blue eyes on me. He was adorable and I loved him greatly, which was rare of me to do with children. I normally despise the little trouble makers. But Gabe was different. His mom had been killed when he was two, leaving him in the care of my Grandma. His father had left as soon as he had been born, no note or anything, just gone. I became Gabe's mentor back in March, so a couple months being that it's August. I loved the little boy.

"What is it Kelsey?" he asked in his small voice.

"Have you seen Grandma?" I had to make sure that she wasn't around, she'd forbid it for sure.

Gabe scowled, thinking back on it. "Yeah, she went into the forest to gather herbs a little while ago."

I smiled and bent down. "Hey Gabe, how would you like to look after camp for a bit?"

His eyes went wide and he stared at me as if I went crazy. "But that's not allowed Kelsey! Only fully trained wolves are allowed to watch camp, I'm just an apprentice." I bit my lip. Gabe was right and we’d be in serious trouble if we were caught, but the thought of running through the forest took over and I pushed him more.

"Please Gabe? It'd only be like ten minutes at most?" I begged. He stared at me for a moment before nodding his small head. "Thanks Gabe, I knew I could count on you." I patted his shoulder before jogging to the tree line. Our camp was located in the middle of a forest, tall pines surrounding the large clearing that held our cabins. A small dirt road led from the highway to camp, but other than that, we were completely isolated.

I picked up speed as I passed the first few trees. A grin spread across my lips as I felt the pull over my body, the beginning of my Change. I leapt as I felt it inside, my bones beginning to shift to accommodate my wolf form. At first this pain had been unbearable, but now I gladly welcomed it. My mouth was stretched out and my sharp teeth formed. My ears moved from the side of my head to on top, able to catch the smallest sound. Last was the emerging of my fur. My silver and white pelt grew rapidly and I landed on the forest floor with a thud. The entire process took mere seconds.

Book One: ForbiddenWhere stories live. Discover now