Chapter Two

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Zayn’s POV

Creeping through the trees silently, I spot a squirrel darting up a pine. With lightning movements, I leapt on the tree and sunk my fangs into the small body. It died instantly and I savored the blood trickling down my throat. Delicious, but still not as good as human blood. I had already eaten for the day, but I could never pass up the opportunity to kill. It was the only joy in my miserable life.

When I finished sucking the squirrel dry, I tossed its body to the side and jumped down from the tree. I used the sleeve of my black shirt to wipe the bit of blood that had dripped down my chin. Don’t want Liam to know I had been hunting again, I wouldn’t hear the end of it. I was about to run back to the house when a flash of white caught my eye. I chased after it and stopped when my foot snapped a stick. Shit.

I ducked behind a tree as the wolf whipped its head in my direction. A wolf? We haven’t had to deal with those mutts since the treaty about ten years ago. The wolf was odd looking, her silver and white pelt reflecting the light that managed to get through the trees. Her silver eyes scanned the area for me. The wolf’s coloring was quite unique, different from the original browns and grays. But she was a werewolf nonetheless.

I ran out from behind the tree and jump kicked her in the side, causing the creature to slam into the trunk of a nearby tree. I landed easily and stalked over to her, satisfied that she had lost consciousness. I grinned, ready for my third meal of the day.

“Zayn!” a voice shouted. I clenched my jaw and turned to see all four boys approaching me.

“Yes?” I raised an eyebrow and tried to look as natural as possible. I crossed my arms over my chest, annoyed with the delay of my meal.

“What is this?” Liam gestured angrily between my prey and I.

“A trespasser that I have taken care of,” I replied simply.

“Trespasser? But the Adam’s Pack haven’t crossed the border since the treaty,” Niall wondered. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

“Don’t worry, I’m handling this,” I snapped.

“And by handling it you mean sucking out all her blood,” Liam tested. I met his gaze, daring him to look away. But our staring contest was cut short from Harry.

“Guys look! She’s Changing!” he said pointing to the wolf.

The white and silver wolf was replaced by a teenage girl with long brown hair. She had on black sweats and an oversized white shirt. I was grateful that when werewolves Change back they have on their previous clothes. Otherwise it’d be just awkward.

“When they get knocked unconscious they Change to human form,” Liam said in a low voice. Of course he knows that, being the brains out of us. “C’mon lads, let’s move her inside.”

Louis stepped forward but I quickly blocked him.

 “No, she broke the treaty, we’re killing her,” I declared. The boys all stared at me, unsure of what to do.

Book One: ForbiddenWhere stories live. Discover now