Chapter 1

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" Irene! Wake up why don't ya? You're gonna miss it."


It's my one day off and he wants me to wake up at 8 in the morning.

But Eric's my brother so I have to listen to him. I roll over to the opposite side of my bed and jump off. The cold wooden floor sends chills all the way up my spine. I walk over to my dresser and pull out my bathrobe and make my way downstairs. The smell of coffee and cigarette smoke is the first thing I notice and I'll tell you right now it's not a great combination.

Eric is waiting impatiently for me at the kitchen table. He has the radio already on while he sips his coffee and takes a few puffs of his cigarette.

"Did you have a good rest Sleeping Beauty?"

I roll my eyes at him and I start to protest his comment until someone knocks on the door.

It was Chas and John. I didn't know either of them all that well. Chas seemed more of the fatherly type of the group. He wanted to make sure everything was ok with everyone. And he was always friendly to me which was nice.

John was really sweet. He had an adorable smile that made you feel like you had known him your entire life.

"Where's the rest of the group?" I asked.

"Well Alan and Hilton were having a small little listening celebration with their families at their own houses. My parents didn't really care all that much for this. My mum thought it was rubbish.", John said.

Today is a big day for these guys. Their first single comes out today and it's set to play on the radio at 8:22 am. All Eric's been talking about for months now is how great a song it is. I think it's kinda catchy too. It's called 'Baby Let Me Take You Home'. Eric's voice is great in it and Alan's organ-riff is outta sight. I really hope it does well because I hate seeing Eric disappointed. He'll take all the blame and mope for the next month or two and I really don't want to sit at the dinner table with him like that. In fact, it's probably why my parents are out on vacation right now so they won't have to deal with it.

"Eric it's gonna be fine. People will love it."

He gave me a sympathetic look but I could tell he was very annoyed. He watched as the clock changed to 8:22.

"Well. Where's the song?" His face turned angry and I held up my hands in protest.

"Maybe they're running a little late...", Chas said. I gave him a silent thank you and he smiled.

"Alright ladies and gentleman. Up next we have a new song from a brand new group out of Newcastle. It's called 'Baby Let Me Take You Home'."

Here we go.

Eric started biting his lip anxiously and I gave him a slight slap on the arm.

"Cool it. It'll be great. And no matter what, you know that I'll always be your biggest fan."

"Thanks," he said with a smile.

"Well when I saw you baby

I couldn't ignore you

And I wanted you for my girl

And when you said "Yeah!"

I just couldn't care about

Anybody else in this world

You smiled at me

Baby now I could see

My life was planned out ahead

You took my hand

And it felt so good

And this is what you said"

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