Chapter 3

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I didn't know what Eric was planning for this evening, but it sure did ruin my concentration. As I was sitting in my first lecture of the day, all I could think of was tonight. Was I going to meet someone or could it be that mom and dad were coming home early? I really had no clue and I hated him for telling me about the big surprise.

I hadn't paid much attention to this lecture, but it doesn't really matter because it's my best class. It's 'The History of English Literature'  and all we learn about is Shakespeare and Dickens and the whole class is really worthwile.

My professor hastily made a few final points about today's lecture and then dismissed the group of students. I met up with Cyn on the way out. She is really a business major but she had decided to take this class because she said it interested her. I really think it's because she has a crush on the boy that sits a few seats ahead of her but I'm not one to judge.

"Irene, wanna meet up later? Maybe 3ish?"

"Oh I'm sorry Cyn but Eric and I have plans tonight." I tried to end the conversation there but she went on.

"Really? What are you guys up to? Maybe I could come with you!" Now Cyn doesn't just get crushes on one boy, she gets about 20 crushes every month. Except her thing for Eric was an on-going thing. Of course Eric is completely oblivious to it and I make a point to laugh at him for it. So this month it's Eric as well as Alan.

"Well Cyn, Eric was making this whole thing a surprise so I don't think it would be great if you come. And besides, Alan probably won't be there either. I think it's just us two. Sorry..."

Her face was flushed pink but I waved her off.

"It's okay Cyn, I just don't want to hurt you is all."

I could tell she wanted to change the subject so I tried making plans for the afternoon.

"Well look Cyn, I don't have another class for another three hours or so. Do you want to go out for lunch or something? I really don't want to waste my afternoon in the library."

"No Irene I can't. I've got a class in about half an hour. But maybe I'll see you before you go home. Do you need a ride after your class?"

I accepted her offer and thanked her over and over and started heading over to the library. I love our library because they have a music section filled with records, mostly blues. There's a seperate room you can go into and listen to the records so of course I immediately went there. I pulled out a Chuck Berry record and sat down at one of the desk tables there.

They say the joint was rockin'

Goin' round and round,

Yeah reelin' and a rockin',

What a crazy sound,

Well they never stop a rockin'

'till the moon went down.

I decided that I couldn't sit down any longer and got up to dance. It was a little weird, considering I was in a closed room and nobody else was there but it was a lot of fun. I imagined me and Eric up in my room, dancing around blasting all of his blues records. But then, someone walked in on me and made me jump right out of my skin. It was a kid around my age with his two textbooks in his hands.

"Um, do you mind turning your music down. I can't study out here."

"Oh yeah...sure. Umm sorry 'bout that. I'll just-"

"Hey but was that Berry?" I nodded my head in agreement. "I love him! Do you listen to any Jerry Lee Lewis at all?"

"Um yeah a bit." I could feel myself starting to blush and I started to gather my books from the desk. "Look I really have to go um...what's your name?"

"Brian, Brian McCarthy. And?"

"It's Irene Burdon. And I really have to go but maybe I'll see you around later?" He agreed and I quickly rushed out of the library. I didn't care that a boy had finally decided to talk to me and I realized that I was laughing when I was sprinting across campus.

After my last class an hour or so later, I met up with Cyn. She politely drove me home and dropped me outside of my house. When I walked inside, Eric and Alan were sitting on the floor with their papers sprawled everywhere.

"Hey Irene. Are you ready for tonight?" Eric asked me.

I went into the hallway and dropped my bookbag beside the steps. "Well I would be if I knew where we were going."

"Aw c'mon Eric you left her hanging all afternoon?"

I pointed to Alan in approval. "See? He gets it! You've tortured me all day. Where the heck are you taking me?"

Eric got up from the floor and grabbed both my hands. He cleared his throat and looked me in the eyes.

"We're going to the Bridge Hotel. The Folksong and Ballad Club to be exact. There's going to be a great folk singer there called-" He had to stop for a second to think but Alan saved him.

"Johnny Handle I think it is. A buddy of mine saw him a few weeks ago and said he was great so, here we are all going to see him tonight. If that's alright with you of course."

"Sounds great to me! Let me just get my sweater."

I ran up the stairs and grabbed a blue sweater that was sprawled across my bed. I quickly brushed my hair and fixed my makeup and then joined the two boys. Well I sure hope Cyn isn't there to realize that Alan was coming with us after all.

"Alright then let's go. I'll drive." Alan volunteered. We all went out through the front door and got into Alan's car. As we drove into inner Newcastle, I could see all the nighttime excitement. Girls with their dates heading into resturaunts and nightclubs. We pulled up to a quiet nightclub in the center of the city and parked beside the building. I could smell cigarette smoke in the air along with beer. I scrunched up my nose because I really couldn't stand that smell. When we were walking in I saw him.

It was Brian McCarthy, the boy I met in the library. What the hell was he doing here?

Probably the same thing I was here for.

I tried to rush the two boys inside but Eric fought me off.

"Cool it will ya? We'll get inside don't worry."

Normal brother annoyance. "Eric. There's someone here I don't want to see so can we hurry up? Mom and Dad walk faster than you two." I grabbed his and Alan's hand and brought them into the club.

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