The Date

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Hearth and I met up at the bench we met on. He was wearing black pants and a leather jacket. He looked amazing. He signed a hello and we walked to Olive Garden.

When we walked up to the front, I saw Hearth's eyes widen. We stopped and the first thing he said to me since we started walking (sign language is a fairly stationary language) was, I'm pretty sure, Are you sure you can afford this?

I smiled and nodded my head. We walked up to the entrance and I ushered him into the restaurant. We got our table and ordered. I watched Hearth hand the waitress the menu with a small smile. I thought he looked adorable. I got his attention and said, "So, Hearth. Tell me about yourself, if you don't mind." Hearth acted uncomfortable at the suggestion and signed, I'm not so sure about that. I nodded my head in understanding and he changed the subject.


After the first misunderstanding, conversation flowed as easy as when we frost met on the bench. We laughed and told jokes. Soon though, we had to leave. I walked him back to the bench and we said our goodbyes.

Kiss him, I thought to myself. I looked down and blushed at my thoughts. Hearth seemed to be thinking the same thing though, as he took my face in his hands and, with both eyes squeezed shut, kissed me on the lips. He was still and unsure until I kissed him back. We moved against each other like we've kissed each other a million times before. He pulled back and we just looked at each other. He stared in my eyes and blushed brightly. He ducked his head and quickly left. I blushed as well and watched him leave with fingertips lightly touching my lips.

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