Sticky notes

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Magnus's POV

I wake up and blindly smack at my alarm. I feel paper on top of the snooze button and peel it off. Another sticky note. This has been happening everyday for three weeks. I'll randomly find sticky notes with pickup lines scrawled on them. I asked everyone on floor 19 and none of them know who it is. Or so they say. They all smirked weirdly when I asked.

Today, the first sticky note said Are you a weeping angel? Because I can't take my eyes off of you. I smirk and open the top drawer of my nightstand. I shove the note in there to sit with the ones I have previously found.

After getting dressed, and pulling a sticky note off of the bathroom mirror, (Is that a sonic screwdriver in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?) and the back of the door, (Wanna be the Rose Tyler to my Doctor?) I finally headed down to breakfast.

Mallory and Halfborn were in the middle of an argument I didn't understand so I sat between Alex and TJ.

"So Magnus, what sticky notes were there today?" TJ asked as Alex snorted into her, no, his, plate of eggs and sausage. Alex seemed to find the whole sticky note ordeal incredibly hilarious.

"Yeah," I said, then told them the lines. Alex laughed even louder. He got up to leave. He patted me on the shoulder (I won't admit my heart flipped) and said, "Good luck catching them Magnus," then turned to TJ and said, "Don't forget to do that thing that I told you about earlier." I was confused so I turned to TJ.

"What thing?" He shrugged me off by saying, "Nothing, don't worry about it."


I couldn't get the lunch thing out of my head. Naturally, because TJ told me not to worry about it. I walk into my room after reading (to the death) in the library. I didn't even know Valhalla had a library until Halfborn showed me one time. I was so distracted I almost didn't notice the sticky note on the lightswitch. I pulled it off and flicked the light on. The sticky note said, Magnus, wanna meet me at the elevators tonight at about 8? We could go get some falafel.

I felt obligated to go because I could get falafel out of this situation. I don't even know who it is, but, I mean, falafel.


As the note said 8, I left my room at 7:58. I stood by the elevator and pressed the down button. Right before the door shut, Alex came flying out of her room. "Magnus, hold the door!" I quickly put my hand on the door to open it. It opens again and Alex slides in the elevator, smirking at me.

"So," she said. "You decided to come?" I was confused. How would she know?

"What do you mean?" She smirked.

"Meet me at the elevator at 8. We could go get some falafel." She just quoted the note almost word for word.

"It was you? The sticky notes?" She laughed and lightly punched my arm.

"Yes, idiot. I'll tell you, sometimes, sneaking into your room to put those notes was almost impossible. Do you know how many times I almost got caught?" I was still confused (and blushing, but that was beside the point).

"You still want to go right?" She nudged me to get my attention. "Yes! I mean, yeah, sure." The doors opened and Alex skipped out saying, "Good! I'm buying."


As I sat at the table, Alex went up to order. When she came with the food, I got tunnel-vision. Nothing but the falafel mattered. Don't get me wrong, Valhalla has some wonderful falafel, but it will never be Fadlan's Falafel level.

Alex smirked at me from across the table, but she looked nervous. "So, you like it?" I nod vigorously and she visibly relaxes. I realize that this might be a date. I don't want to bring it up for fear that I might make it awkward. With this realization, I also find it hard to breathe and think straight, but I'm sure it's nothing. I blush and look down at the plate in front of me. Thank the gods, Alex asks what I'm thinking.

"So, what is this?" I look up at her to see her blushing brightly. "What do you want it to be?" I stupidly ask. She goes a brighter red and stutters out, "Well, I was hoping, you know, it would kinda be a, well, a date." She glances down and the awkwardness radiating from our table is stifling. I nod.

And with three words it's gone."So was I." Alex breaks out into a huge smile, still bright red.


We headed back to Valhalla once the date was over. In the elevator, I grabbed her hand.

"Can we do that more maybe?" I ask. Alex nods as the elevator doors open. We step out and I, like the gentleman I am, walk her to her door.

I smirk as I say, "Don't most successful dates end with a kiss?" Alex punches my arm but leans in and kisses my cheek.

"That's all you get tonight, Beantown." She slips in her room leaving in the hallway grinning like crazy.

Mallory walks out and sees me. "Well, what's got you so happy?"

"Nothing. Just Alex."

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