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Once I tape up my hands, I get gloves on and pound my hands together. I get into my stance and Zayn stands across from me, helping me train. I'd much rather box than continuous weight reps.

I pound my fists into the pads, his aid helping me get the best workout I can. My eyes focus and I hit, protecting my middle at the same time. As I move quickly, I fight against Zayn's attempts and I duck, hitting the pad again.

It's like this for hours, pushing myself to the limits. Then I fist bump Zayn when we finish the session and I thank him, taking my hoodie off. I walk into the locker room and shower, getting dressed after. My mind darts to Mary and I think about going to the club just to see her, my hand running through my hair.

Once I decide to go see her, I put my stuff back in my car and drive down to the club. My body walks in and I scan the area, walking up to the bar. I look around and don't see her, my body leaning across the bar.

"Mary working?" I ask, the girl looking at me.

"No. She's off today," she tells me, my head nodding. So I make my way out and drive home, starting to work on my new case. I look over multiple pieces of evidence and I try to work everything together.

Spending hours connecting everything together, I start to get stressed so I get up and walk to my room. Changing into my running clothes, I tie my shoes and walk to my door. But I nearly collide with a small body outside, my eyebrows furrowing.

Catching myself, I look down and I'm greeted by shy green eyes. My jaw drops and I lose my words, never expecting to see her here.

"Mary," I say confused, her arm crossing over her chest so her hand holds her other. "You...remember where I live?"

She gives a small nod, her lips releasing a sigh. "I shouldn't have..." she starts, beginning to turn away.

"No, come in. It's okay," I say, her shy eyes looking as I grab her hand.

It's clear now that she does get that extra boost of confidence from alcohol, her behavior so shy and reserved now.

"I had to talk to you," she says, my hand shutting the door after she walks in.

"Are you alright?" I question, her hand moving away from mine.

"I don't want this," she admits quietly, her lips pressing together.

"W-What?" I say stunned, completely taken off guard.

"I just," she shakes her head. "I don't want you."

I press my lips together and crouch my knees slightly to look her in the eye, her eyes looking away.

"Say it to my face. Look me in the eye," I say, needing that. But she struggles, her eyes staying focused on her shoes.

"What put that thought into your head?" I try to pry, actually wanting to know what goes on in her head. She looks at me and I see her biting her lower lip, my focus on her.

"You're gross," she says, making me almost laugh. She's so innocent and I find myself captivated.

"I know. I'm disgusting," I tell her, her lips pouting.

"I meant," she starts but trails off, my hands on my knees as I look at her.

"You meant what?" I wonder, her little body covered. She most likely covered up so I wouldn't try anything or look at her. But honestly, her ass in these jeans is ready to blow my mind.

"I meant you have too much sex," she explains, my eyebrows furrowing. I should've expected this; her attitude so different than all the others. But she's different and I can't shake the fact of letting her go again.

"What do you expect me to do? Let my manhood die out if I don't relieve myself?" I ask, her horrified expression making me nervous.

"Listen," I sigh, her feet stepping away from me. But I grab her hand in retaliation.

"I'm fucked up, Mary. And I seem horrible in your eyes, but I want you to realize that I can hold back. I can restrain," I respond to her, her head tilting to look up at me due to my full height.

She walks right up to me and looks up, her green eyes looking into my own. Our proximity has my heart racing and she's standing her ground, those eyes making my breathing hitch.

"Prove it," she states, making me stand stunned. I watch silently as she walks to the door, opening it. But she turns back to look at me, a small smirk present on her lips. My head just shakes as I smile wide, her hand shutting the door behind her.

As I stand here, unable to move from the spot I'm standing, I think about everything I've done. There are two things I can do now. My first is forget Mary if she's going to restrict me from doing what I had want; what I'm used to. I've been going out on Fridays since I was in college, my friends always going out. It's not every week, but I've had my fair share with women.

But my second is change to be accommodating to Mary. She's without a doubt beautiful. Even on our one night together she captivated me like no other woman has. Mary isn't like any other woman I've met; just looking at her drives me crazy. But she's also the only girl I've ever wanted to see past the night we shared.

I take a deep breath and run my hands through my hair before over my face. My lip is tugged between my teeth and I just stand here, thinking about everything that could happen.

Mary could be my first real relationship. I could do everything to prove that I can be someone for her. She needs me to stop having sex...I can do that. I don't need to have sex. It was a shit petty way to relax. I can just...go to the gym or watch TV instead. Even better, I could take Mary out on Friday nights.

So I turn to the door and open it, rushing down the stairs to catch up with Mary. She's just about to walk out the doors of my building and I grab her hand, her eyes widening when she looks up at me.

"Go out with me on Friday night," I rush, my heart pounding in her chest.

"B-But you...you don't..." she trails and I shake my head.

"What I used to do is gone. Just...go out with me Friday night," I say, her fingers wrapping around mine. The small sign gives me assurance and I step closer to her.

"We'll see," she says with a small smile. But she takes it a step farther and winks, letting my hand go and turning away.

And the challenge continues.

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