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"God, I feel like a hippo," Mary says, her hands tight on mine. I keep her close as we wait to be taken to a room, my eyes on her close. Liam is watching Thea for the night as we go through our last pregnancy. Three's enough, especially when two are coming at the same time. Little Thea doesn't really know what's going on considering she's almost two.

"It's okay. Deep breaths," I whisper, kissing her cheek. She rests her head on my shoulder and feels her stomach again, my hands guiding her into the room once called.

We get her prepped and she asks me to put her hair up, my hands moving to put a bun on the top of her head. She takes my hand after and I press my lips to hers before the epidural spreads.

Mary starts to push and I keep close watch on her, holding her hands tightly. She keeps squeezing my hands as hard as she can until the first baby is born, my eyes still only focused on Mary as she delivers number two.

She yells one time before baby two is here, my eyes watching the two babies being brought towards us.

"Two baby boy Styles'," the doctor says, my jaw dropping.

Two sons. I have the chance to raise two sons the way I never was raised.

Mary smiles through the exhaustion, her arms cradling the boys. I had thought by her saying she wanted a boy would jinx us, but instead it gave us two. She didn't find out the gender this time, but I love that we have boys. We have a complete family when I never thought I was capable of doing so.

"Mary," I smile, kissing her forehead.

She hands me one of the boys and I hug him to my body, smiling at how small he is. I love babies; especially ones I made with Mary.

"Mary, you are everything to me," I remind her, kissing her.

"We got this baby," she smiles, my heart complete.


A laugh leaves my lips when Tony and Josh come running onto me, my arms catching my boys.

"Mommy made pancakes," Tony smiles, my hands ruffling their hair.

"Is Thea still with her?" I ask, their heads nodding. "Alright you guys go get food. I'll be down in a minute."

The three year olds run off and I get up, using the bathroom before walking downstairs. I spot Thea playing with her dolls and I call her, her body up. She runs to me and I lift her up, hugging her close. She's a daddy's girl and I love her to pieces. The boys are always with Mary but we're all a family. We have our moments of arguments but it's usually all worked out.

"Daddy, can you take me to the store?" she asks, my eyebrow lifting.

"What do you need at the store, baby?" I ask, kissing her cheek and walking into the kitchen.

"There's a new doll. She's so pretty," she tells me, my lips releasing a hum.

"How bad do you want it?" I ask, sitting her on a chair.

"Really, really bad. She's the one doll I really want," she tells me, my lips kissing the top of her head.

"We'll see how good you are today," I say, her head nodding. I walk over and take Mary into my arms, kissing her to officially start my day.

"Good morning, baby," I grin, her hands holding my waist.

"Good morning to you too. Now eat up; I made a lot of pancakes," she says, letting me go and moving to help the boys. She has regained her slim figure and she's hot; she's still so perfect in my eyes.

"Mommy can we get a new dolly?" Thea asks her, making me laugh. The little girl asks for everything under the planet and it's very hard to say no. She's got the biggest puppy dog eyes and I can't stand the sadness that fills them when we say no. So we cave and I feel like I'm being a bad parent every time.

"We'll see how good you play with your brothers today," she counters, but Thea nods and sits with the boys. I wrap my arms around Mary and she groans, telling me not to touch her while she's cooking. But I dip my head down and start kissing her neck, knowing my girl too well.

"There are little kids," she retaliates, but I continue, loving my wife to no end.

"I want mama," I whisper, her elbow jutting into my stomach. It makes me chuckle against her skin and I run my hands up, her hand slapping mine once I cup over her heat.

"I swear to God," she groans, shoving me away. I laugh and grab her face, kissing her. She just leans onto me and kisses me back, my love for this beautiful woman stronger than ever. She's the love of my life.

"Mary, I want to have sex with you," I whisper on her lips. She shakes her head, knowing exactly what she's thinking.

"And I called Liam to watch them," I continue, her lips pressing to mine. We've gotten so in touch with each other that we need to have each other all the time. It helps us continue our strong relationship and I know she's taken to becoming more dominant with me in the bedroom.

I let her go and grab a pancake, sitting with the kids. I end up getting syrup on my shirt and Thea puts her sticky fingers on my arm. Mary is laughing as Josh is attempting to feed her and Tony is concentrated on making shapes in the syrup on his plate.

I end up carrying both Tony and Josh up the stairs, Mary taking Thea. We give the kids a bath and then settle down on the couch for a movie, the rain defeating our chances of going outside.

Thea climbs into my stomach, her arms wrapping around my neck. Mary sits beside me and Tony sits in her lap, then Josh rests his head on her shoulder. I smile down at everyone, my eyes basking in the sight. This is life. A life I never had but would do anything to keep. My boys and my girls. All the people I love right here. This is my life and I'm so thankful I have it.

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<3 xoxo

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