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"Styles, case file report?" Johnson asks, my hand holding out the manila folder. He takes it and looks through it, my hand typing out another piece of the case I'm working on.

"You find more evidence?" he asks, my head shaking.

"The detective hasn't contacted me and I'm losing patience at this point," I tell him, his sigh heard.

"You and me both," he states before strolling out of my office.

"Harry, someone is here to see you," the phone says, my hand buzzing the button to let the person in.

The door opens and Liam walks in, handing me a takeout bag.

"Don Ford says his bet is on the mom," is the first thing he says and I laugh, my head shaking.

"The woman's alibi is solid and I checked up on it. She's out," I say, his hand unfolding the multiple takeout bags.

"So what's going on with the little lady?" he asks, my lips puffing out a sigh.

"She's a challenge. She told me I have to prove that I don't live off sex in order to take her out. Then after I debated it, I asked her to go out tomorrow night and she goes 'we'll see'. Honestly, I have no idea what I'm going to do," I say, his lips smirking.

"What? Don't give me that shit," I groan, his head shaking.

"You're so oblivious," he says, my eyebrows frowning. Oblivious is not what I would describe what I am when it comes to women.

"I'm not oblivious. She's just stubborn," I say, Liam opening the door.

"Jill can you come in here?" he calls, my eyes rolling. Jill's a bitch.

"What's going on?" she asks, her hands setting on her hips.

"Okay, let's say, metaphorically, a guy likes you. But he has had a lot of sexual experience, like one night stands. What would you do?" Liam asks her, my eyebrow lifting to hear what her answer is.

"Well," she says, tapping her chin with her finger. "I'd probably make him work. He's gotta prove that he can hold a relationship before I date him," she says, my lips frowning. Liam thanks her and she nods, walking out.

"So she's making me work?" I now see, his head nodding.

"Most girls pull that kinda thing. They want a guy who can show them they're good enough for her. Girls are a prize. You gotta treat them like one," he says, my eyes rolling.

"What are you? Ghandi?" I ask, making him laugh.

But he's got a point. Mary deserves a good guy to be there for her. I've never done all that hugs from behind and the soft kisses on the forehead. Maybe I could give it a try with Mary.

"Prove to her you want her. God, it's like I'm talking to a sap now. Maybe she'll hold out until further commitment to have sex with you again," he says, and I glare.

"I've done it with her once. What if I smooth talk her int-"

"No, no. Absolutely not because she will dump your lame ass if you do that shit," he says, my eyebrows furrowing.

"Listen Harry, I want you to understand that she's gonna need you to whip into shape. Not physically, but...she wants you to change who you are. Is it really worth it?" he asks, and I ponder that same thought again.

I recall every moment I've ever been with Mary, her green eyes so bright. When we had shared our night together, holding her felt almost perfect. When we shared ourselves with each other, I couldn't think straight. Plus she wanted me to kiss her and that never happens. I liked when we kissed and now I find myself without a doubt wanting her again.

"Yes she's worth it," I say, his smile growing. He throws his arms up and puts his hands in fists.

"Harry's got a girlfriend," he says, my eyes rolling.

"You're a child and I don't understand why this is so amazing," I claim, eating some of my lunch.

"Because you, my friend, have found the girl every guy meets at some point in their life," he says, my eyes looking up at him.

"What?" I say confused.

"Oh yeah. My sister told me about this once. Her husband did a complete 360 on himself just to be with her. Guys do this for the girl of their dreams. God, I can't believe you don't know this," he says, my shoulders shrugging.

"Never needed to know because I got sex and that's all I cared about," I say, but then I hear it.

"Oh my fuck, I am gross," I say, recalling Mary's term for what I am.

"Gross?" Liam asks, my head leaning into my hands as I lean on my knees.

"Mary...she came over the other day. Called me gross, 'cause of all the sex," I say, his eyebrow lifting.

"She came over?" he asks, my head nodding.

"Yeah, she came over to tell me she didn't want me and then she told me the whole prove it thing," I explain, my heart racing. In this moment right now I know what I need to do. I have to prove to Mary that I'm not 'gross'.

"I'm gonna see her tonight. I need to talk," I say, his hands clapping together.

"Harry, I think you're gonna realize that this'll be good for you," Liam says, my shoulders shrugging.

"For all I know, she's gonna keep pushing me away regardless," I sigh, the unknown making me nervous. I'm never nervous around girls but Mary makes me. I want to be good for her.

"Just be there for her. She needs to understand that you're serious and that you want to be with her," he tells me, my head resting against my chair.

"Why is she being so difficult?" I groan, eating some more of my lunch.

"Because you wouldn't be interested if she was easy," he says, shrugging his shoulders. But I know he's completely right. Mary has expressed a chase and I'm so in for the win. I want this girl and I will have her, no matter how hard I have to work.

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