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Back in my job feels weird, knowing what the other side is like. I hated being in prison and I want to forget it, my mind tainted with the time I had spent there. But Mary is here and I want to know that what we have is real.

So after work, I find myself at a jewelers and I ask to see something that shows promise. I'm asked about engagement rings and I quickly shake my head, then the jeweler smiles, and takes me somewhere else in the store.

"These are called promise rings. It's to show a promise for a future engagement. Do you foresee that happening?" he asks, my lips releasing a deep breath.

"To be honest, I didn't foresee a relationship," I explain, nerves growing.

"What's she like?" he asks, my lips curving. I could talk about Mary for hours, but I shorten it up for his sake. He pulls a case of rings out and I look at them, grabbing the one that catches my eye.

"This one," I say, his hand grabbing it from me.

"Nice choice. A little pricey, but nice," he says, my head nodding. It's a silver band and it's two circles entwined, diamonds circling one of the circles.

"It's the one," I say, walking over. I sign paperwork and then they take my card, my eyes admiring the ring. It'll look perfect on her tiny little fingers.

I drive home and smile at the look, the white two-story house the place of my future. Mary's home and I walk into the house, seeing her making dinner. This is a perfect life.

"Hello beautiful," I say, kissing her cheek.

"Hi Harry," she smiles, continuing to cook. I walk upstairs and into our room, changing my clothes.

I walk back down to her and I sit at the table, looking through my file.

"Mary, babe, how was car searching?" I ask, her head nodding.

"I found one I like," she says, turning to glance at me.

"Oh yeah? What type?" I wonder, looking up at her.

"It was a...Honda civic," she remembers, my head nodding.

"You let me do the deals, though. I'll get the best price for you," I say, making her smile. She plates the food and walks to me, sitting across from me.

"Fettuccine Alfredo, my favorite," I say, her smile gorgeous. We start to eat and she asks how my day was, making small talk. She opens a bottle of wine and we sit and just talk, her beautiful features making my heart pound.

I excuse myself for a moment and she nods, my feet running up the stairs. When I grab her ring, I walk down and take deep breaths to relax.

When I sit back down, she smiles at me and I set the box in my lap. My hands grab hers and she keeps telling me her plans for the backyard, my happiness peaking.

"Um, Mary," I say, her head nodding.

"I want to tell you something," I say, her fingers tracing my palms. She just nods, looking at me with her soft green eyes.

"What we have...I don't want to lose," I tell her, her eyes watching me close. I let her go and grab the ring, her hands covering her mouth.

"Mary, I want to make a promise. Promise that you are mine and I am yours," I say, her hand moving and grabbing mine. I take the ring out and she gasps, my lips curving as I look at her.

"Do you promise me?" I whisper, moving my hand to grab her left one.

"Yes," she whispers, my heart racing. Her hand allows me to place the ring on her finger and I smile at the look, never thinking I could be in a situation where I'm putting a ring on a finger.

I stand up and she races to me, her arms wrapping around my neck. Hugging her close, I find myself so in love that I whisper the first thought into my mind.

"I'm gonna marry you," I whisper, my arms tightening out of fear. I've never said anything about marriage before but I feel like with Mary, it could happen. She doesn't say anything, but instead moves to kiss me.

I carry her up to our room and she stays latched onto me, my lips never leaving hers. We keep kissing and I love this beautiful girl with everything in me.

"My love," I whisper, kissing her neck. She lets me take her dress off and she removes my clothes as well, her hands grabbing my cheeks. But I see tears in her eyes and I lift my hands to wipe the tears away, her smile growing.

"I'm so happy," she tells me, my forehead resting on hers. I kiss her cheeks and find myself so in love with this girl that just looking at her completes me.

We get beneath the covers and she looks at me as we rest together, her lips pressing to mine. My hands hold her close and I look at her, her eyes closing and lips moving with mine.

She pulls away and I lean over her, her hands touching over me as she looks at me. Then I duck between the covers and kiss her stomach, hooking my fingers into her panties. Hearing her gasp as I start to make her feel good, my hands on her hips as I touch her. She willingly parts her legs further, letting me taste her.

Then she shoves the covers so she can look at me, my eyes looking up at her. I lift my head and she lets me take her bra off, my eyes looking into hers. She runs her hands down my back then starts to move my boxers down, my lips trailing down her jaw.

My hands then grab hers and I press them against the pillows, moving through her. She is wrapped around me and it feels so good. Mary's nose brushes mine and I press my lips to hers, her lips parting. I run my tongue against her lips and I pull out, leaning down. My lips press to her breasts and she lets my hands go to grip my hair. My lips suck, my tongue trails, and my teeth nip at her skin. Mary's my addiction.

"Fuck me," she pants, my dick hardening. I push into her and she runs her nails down my back, my hand grabbing her waist.

Our moans and skin colliding is the only sound in the room and I find myself trying to kiss her but the pleasure is too high.

When I'm about to come, she shoves me away and I watch her. She climbs down my body and I watch her grab my dick, my high soon reached. But she teasingly licks the underside of the length and I groan.

"Don't tease," I seethe, her tongue then flicking across the tip. I grunt and pull her hair back, her lips then surrounding me and sucking.

"Shit, baby, I'm going to come," I pant, her hand pumping while the other holds my thigh. Then I'm coming and it surprises me as she starts to take me in her mouth, my heart pounding.

She climbs onto me and I wrap my arms around her, panting as she rests on me. Mary kisses my chest and I move my hand to hold her ass, touching every aspect of my girl. She moves her hand and starts to play with my hair, my eyes closing and kissing her hair.

"A promise I'll keep forever," I hear her whisper, making me smile.

"One day we'll make it official," I assure her, her chin moving to rest on my chest as she looks up at me.

"Seriously?" she grins, my head nodding.

"I do love you. I'm not going to let you go. And I know I can be an idiot at times, but I've never been so serious about someone before. You're it for me," I tell her, her smile bright.

"Aww, you're amazing, my love," she beams, lifting her head. She kisses me and I find myself wanting her more, my arms flinging her to lay down. Mary's laugh fills the room and smile down at her, keeping her in my arms. This is a life I could have only dreamed of living. Mary is the best part of the day.

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<3 xoxo

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