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I lay on Mary's bed as she showers, my arms resting beneath my head. My eyes close and I relax, not knowing what tonight will bring us. We're at her house, and the last time I was here was when her mom passed away.

Perhaps she just wanted to switch it up; staying here rather than my place. I don't mind sleeping on the couch, but she asked to come here. That's what really blows my mind. I've been to girls' houses before, but I never stayed the night. I gave what I had to offer and got out, but now I don't really want to do that. Staying with Mary is me finally realizing what I need.

I need a girl I can have there for me the way I want to be there for Mary. And I feel like taking that step as I stay here with her is her way of telling me she wants me.

My body sits up and I see Mary exit the bathroom, her leggings and tee making her look comfortable. I smile and she wraps her arms around my waist, her eyes so bright as she looks at me.

"Let's get a pizza," she says, making me laugh. But I agree, knowing neither of us has eaten anything for a while. We go downstairs and I order a pepperoni pizza.

We sit on the couch and she puts a movie on, my arm wrapping around her shoulders. I kiss her hair and she rests her head on my shoulder, staying close to me.

"Who was that guy?" she asks, my lips releasing a sigh.

"Just...an old friend," I say, her head lifting. Her big eyes look at me and I lift my hand to brush her hair back.

"Doesn't seem like a very nice friend," she remarks, my lips releasing an amused snort.

"No, baby, he's not very nice," I say, her smile growing. I rub my nose with hers and she giggles, my attempt to try and distract her hopefully working. I really don't want to talk about Troy more than I need to.

"You said... you beat him up before?" she wonders, my sigh heard. She looks up at me closely, her eyes so soft.

"It was a while ago, freshman year in college. He was...hurting this girl, being forceful. I didn't like it so I beat the shit out of him. It was fucked up, that night," I say, her hand grabbing mine.

"You helped her," she tries, but I shake my head. The memories become all too vivid.

"No, Mary. I was an asshole to that girl. She thought, because I did that, I wanted her," I start, her lips forming an 'o'. She looks at our hands and brushes her thumb against my knuckles, my eyes looking down at her.

"I'm sorry. I've done so much shit," I say, her head lifting to look at me.

"Harry, remember what I told you?" she whispers, my eyes captivated by her bright green eyes. I frown, not recalling what she's told me.

"I told you, you're confused," she says, and I remember. I had told her why I did those one night stands and she told me I was confused because I had no female influence in my life.

"You just need to take your time," she smiles, my heart pounding. I lean down but the doorbell ruins our moment, my throat releasing a groan. Mary giggles and I get up, taking $15 out of my wallet. I had it to the kid on the other side and grab the pizza, thanking him.

I set the pizza on the table and sit down, Mary and I both grabbing a slice. But she maneuvers so she's sitting on my thighs, her legs crossing. I must look at her like she has four eyes because I've never seen anyone sit like this before. She just smiles and takes a bite of her pizza, the two of us eating together.

I don't know how or why we start talking about random things, but Mary is laughing and I honestly find myself feeling something I've only ever felt with Mary. She's so beautiful and I can not shake the fact that she is allowing me to be with her despite the stuff I've told her and the stuff I used to do.

Once the pizza is left to two slices, Mary rests back on the couch beside me and curls into me. But she stands up and shuts the TV off, her hand grabbing mine. I don't say anything and follow her up the stairs, my eyes following her ass but I watch her when we reach the hall.

Mary leads me into her room and I'm nearly taken down as she grabs my face, kissing me. My hand shuts the door, then I grab her waist and lift her up.

"Mary," I whisper as I kiss her, her kisses driving me crazy. But I can't lose control. I can't go too fast or I'll end up waking up alone like I did a year ago.

I set her down and she pulls me on top of her, my hands grabbing hers.

"Hey hey, slow down. What's going on?" I ask, her eyes looking up at me. I see her flush and I sit up with her, her hand on her forehead.

"I just, I want to do more with you," she says, looking up at me.

"No, Mary. I don't want to yet," I tell her, but I don't think she likes my answer very much. She stands up and takes my cheeks in her hands, my eyes watching her closely.

"I trust you," she whispers, my heart stopping. I feel my breathing hitch and she leans down, kissing me again. I grab her waist and fall back, her fingers running into my hair. Unwillingly, I moan and she keeps kissing me.

I slowly and carefully flip her over, setting her head on the pillows. She wraps her legs around my waist and I lift my hand to her cheek, her hand grabbing it instead. Our hands entwine and I put them beside her head, letting them lie against the bed.

She lets them go and runs her hand against my back, my dick hardening. I lift my body to make sure she doesn't feel it, her hands moving beneath my shirt. She feels over the band of my boxers and starts to lift my shirt, my body lifting. I throw my shirt off my body and she feels me, my eyes watching her face as she does so.

"What do these mean?" she asks, feeling over the swallow tattoos on my chest. I smile, leaning down and kissing her cheek.

We stay up into the late hours, her finger pointing to tattoos as I explain their story. She is fascinated by my body, her eyes gazing over and touching me gently. I've never experienced gentleness with a woman before and I love the feeling. She's got me wrapped around her finger and I know I'm in too deep to get out now.

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