What's Your Purpose

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Just got the new wattpad update and GOD DAMN I love it so far

Wattpad I ain't mad at you'll for this one so shit it won't kill me to do this

Kudos to you wattpad


Anyways all my series will get a update which I plan on sometime this weekend AFTER Does Love Hurt book 1 And 2 are fully edited and I get Worth It book 3 up at 5 chapters

Change of plans, because my new series Life & Love is getting so much love I'm deciding to just update everything right after I get the updates done on Worth It book 3 AND THEN I will be editing Us Against The World series book 1

That's my thank you present to you'll

That's all

Enjoy 😘

1 Week Later

M'Riyah and Nate outfits at the top

M'Riyah is also wearing black pumps

M'Riyah Pov

" Today I'm so nervous, today is the day the world meets me officially which I never planned on but Ellen the one called Nate phone and asked him to come down and clear some things up and I was invited to join and officially entroduce myself and everyone will finally find out what's my purpose "

" Me and Nate are actually standing back stage finna' walk on stage, I think I'm shaking "


" Just calm down just be you, I'll be right there next to you " Nate said kissing M'Riyah neck while she stood in front of him trying not to let her nerves get the best of her.

" Nate I know but it's best I tell everyone now before I start showing and it blows up in their face " M'Riyah said.

" I just don't want you to be drugged on social media " Nate said.

" I don't care what people say, I care about me and you, they don't know about this here " M'Riyah said referring to what they have in general and Nate chuckled embracing his woman in a hug and M'Riyah raised her head kissing her man lips.

" I love that song " Nate said referring to that song they don't know by Jon B sense M'Riyah said a piece of the song lyrics.

" So do I daddy " M'Riyah mumbled and music began to play and that was M'Riyah and Nate cue.

They walked on the stage and the studio crowd went crazy while M'Riyah and Nate greeted Ellen and they all got comfortable sitting down on two separate couches

" Everybody let's welcome the one and only Nathaneal Miller and his brand new and improved girlfriend M'Riyah Hunter " Ellen said.

M'Riyah and Nate just smiled shoeing the studio audience some love

" So M'Riyah how are you " Ellen said.

" I'm great " M'Riyah said.

" And Nate how does it feel to be dating such a beautiful woman that's not a celebrity " Ellen said.

" Like god just sent me a beautiful blessing and I haven't been this happy in a long time but ever since we started dating, I'm just happy " Nate said.

" Well that's good, M'Riyah how do you feel about dating a movie superstar, has a lot changed in your life since " Ellen said.

" I can care less about Nate job, I never wanted his money, I just want him because I love this man and yes my life has changed a lot, I'm no longer depressed because of this wonderful man sitting next to me, we we're great associates for three years before we started dating, now we're lovers and it like a dream because he's always been the man of my dreams, I love him to death and that will never ever change " M'Riyah said with a soft smile.

" Awwwwww' but how were you'll associates because correct me if I'm wrong but Chanel was in the picture around that time " Ellen said.

" M'Riyah here was my hard working beautiful attitude house keeper and we gained a bond that never got personal because of Chanel, M'Riyah respected my relationship which shocked me because of the way me ex' girlfriend treated her which was always out of jealousy, M'Riyah was always the good guy, Chanel has been the bad guy all our years of dating and it took me our last most hardest and stressed year to find out how diety she really was and how much she never loved me the way I loved her but I thank her because if we didn't break up I wouldn't have my future wifey' sitting next to me wright now, thank you Chanel and god bless you " Nate said.

" Why did you guys break up, what happened because everyone went crazy finding out that she's now in jail for trespassing and breaking a entry and having a gun on her without a license " Ellen said.

" She was cheating on me since we got together and I had to find out from someone else but her going to jail I knew nothing about and care nothing about " Nate said.

" Karma will really get you when you deserve it " M'Riyah said.

" So M'Riyah What's Your Purpose " Ellen said.

" There was never a purpose, I just want a wonderful boyfriend and husband someday, I want to be a mom one day, I have family and friends and my man that will always be there for me, his money means absolutely nothing to me, I got my own money so I don't need his but what I do need is his love, respect and support " M'Riyah said.

" She's already 2 weeks pregnant with my hopefully son or more and I can't wait to be a dad " Nate said kissing M'Riyah forehead and she embraced him in a side hug kissing his cheek.

Everybody gasped in shock

To Be Continued

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