A Soldier I will Be!

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A boy with cropped white hair and red eyes was sitting at the workbench, fiddling with some explosives. "Maul!" Andrea calls. "Yeah?" The boy calls back, not looking up from his work. "We have visitors!" Andrea yells. "Okay!" The boy yells, standing slowly. He flicks the hair from his face and shuffles over to the door. "Hey, you must be Maul right?" I ask, eyeing the boy. "Mhm." Is the only answer I get. "He said he was really experienced with explosives, so I asked him to be my protege." Andrea says, putting her arm around Maul, who just gives a halfhearted thumbs up.

Maul shows me to the workbench and he shows me his work. "So, um. This is a modified version of the sticky bomb, its automated. Like a grenade. I just need to figure out how to set it off, because pulling a pin would get the goopy stuff all over your hands." Maul shows me, the designs. "That's neat, but couldn't you just have a really long pin?" I asked, pointing to the papers. "Theoretically yes, but it would cost a lot more to create a pin that long. Also, it could get caught on something." Maul explains. "But Andrea seemed fine when she lobbed the sticky grenades at the planes." I said, pointing to a mystified Andrea. "She's not." Maul says, also pointing to Andrea. "Yeah, I had to get the sticky stuff burned off. And that kinda messed up my hand." Andrea says, showing me the limited movement of her hand.

After talking with Maul and Andrea for a bit, I was called by Tord. I left and walked in the general direction of the tower. "Hey Tord." I said into my phone. "Hello Tommy, can we um. Have lunch together? In the tower?" Tord mumbles into the phone. "Sure, but how did you even use the phone? Your hand and your blindness is kinda debilitating." I grunted skeptically. "Uh, I got Paul to do it for me." Tord murmurs. "Paul? Is Patryk there too?" I ask, opening the doors to the tower. "Yeah, they came back while you were out. Said they had fled to the Bolton camp." Tord says, jostling the phone a bit. "Oh, okay. See you soon." I said into the phone and hanging up.

I pushed the top floor button in the elevator and waited. When I got to the top, Tord was waiting for me. "Hey Sunshine Lollipops." I coo, hugging Tord. "Nice to see you too Tommy." Tord chuckles, hugging me back. "So what do you have in mind for lunch?" I ask, looking around the suite. "I dunno, but there's some tacos down in the tech offices." Tord offers, heading to the elevator. "Why in the tech offices?" I ask, walking behind Tord. "Something about 'staying full' or some BS from the tech people." Tord stated, pushing the down button.

We exited the elevator and I helped Tord amble out into the cool corridor. "Its kinda chilly in here..." Tord pointed out. "Yeah, but it's so the computers don't overheat." I agreed. Tord suddenly lurched forwards and I caught him in my arms. "Oh sorry... But I think I've fallen for you." Tord beamed. My mouth goes open for a little, before I dropped Tord playfully. "That's my gimmick!" I said, crossing my arms with a smile. Tord laughs and stands up.

"So where are the tacos?" I asked, sauntering throughout the hallway. "Uh, I think they're in the main room." Tord replied, looking back at me. I guided Tord down the hallway and I could faintly smell tacos in the far room. I started to trot (ew, I couldn't come up with a better word) towards the smell. Tord also visibly picked up his pace and we entered a room filled with computers and the sound of typing.

In the middle there was a small crowd mulling about. "I think that's where the tacos are." Tord whispers to me. "No duh!" I quietly exclaimed, jogging towards the center. My eyes widened and I grabbed a taco. "Oh my lord, it's so good!" I mumbled through a mouthful of taco. I picked one up and handed it to Tord, who takes a furious bite. "Oh my god you're right!" Tord exclaims, tearing through the taco. "Dude, this is the best taco I've had in days." I sang, enjoying the taco more than I should've.

After eating the tacos and returning to the suite, I pinned up the map of Europe. "So right now we hold control of Norway, Sweden, half of Finland, France, Denmark, half of England and we made a pact with Germany and Russia." I listed off. "Yep, but most of our forces are in the UK, Finland, or around the borders of the Red Army territory." Tord agrees. "I'm thinking of expanding into the Austrian territory, along with the Poland-Ukrainian Alliance. Maybe even another pact?" I say, eyeing the map cautiously. "Maybe, but Finland is bound to surrender or make a pact. They're locked between Russia and us. The UK however, is a problem. They have the US on their side, and the US is thinking of getting involved. They might not though, as the 2016 presidential election is taking place. It's a mess over there." Tord scoffing at the US' incompetence.

We continued to chatter, until the elevator dinged. It was Paul. "Hello Red Leader, we have some bad news from the war front." Paul intoned, hobbling towards us. His leg seemed to be bandaged heavily and he has a new eye patch for his right eye. "Well spit it out then." Tord says, folding his hands. "The UK is pushing forward and have gotten backed up by Ireland." Paul grimaced. Tord curses under his breath. "And to make it worse, the civil tension in Germany about the pact has destabilized the entire country." Paul continues, his cigarette letting off a faint smell.

Tord fervently huffs and stares into space. "Tell them to hold their ground, and send in some extra soldiers and supplies. Send some good word to Germany and tell them we will send help is absolutely necessary." Tord lamented, standing slowly. Paul nods and limps to the elevator. When the doors close, Tord sighs and cups his hands over his face. "You alright?" I purred gently, trying to sooth Tord's nerves. "I guess, but this is stressful beyond belief. There's so many people I care about and we're at war right now." Tord stresses. "Well you don't need to be concerned about these people, they willingly do this and they are all following you Tord. You've done a great thing with the camp, and I'm sure that you can overcome this." I whispered. Tord looks up at me and smiles. "Thanks Tommy." He spluttered. I smile and hug Tord close.

A.N: Andrea and Maul belong to me. Dude I'm so dead inside, I started watching Your Lie in April and I threw up on the floor while having an extreme panic attack. Because it brought back bad memories... Expect the chapters to become a lot shorter, or come out slowly, I'm just not feelin it.

Angel with a Shotgun --- A Tomtord Songfic --- Wattys 2017Where stories live. Discover now