If Love is what you Need

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Tom's POV (Tord's part is too hard to write lmao)

After that scene with Tord, I led him down the stairs as a challenge, and he only fell 3 times! It was great. Anyways, it was time for shooting practice. So Tord and I walked there. It was getting kind of awkward, so I started to tell even more awkward pickup lines.

"So Tord, are you a magician? Because when I look at you, everyone else disappears." I say, winking at him. "Oh jeez no." Tord groans, with a smile on his face. "Hey baby, are you a poster? 'Cause I wanna pin you to the wall." I kept going, trying not to laugh. "Tom no~" Tord groans, stifling a laugh. "Oh come on Sunshine Lollipops, you look tired. Wanna get in my bed?" I laugh, picking up Tord bridal-style. "I am tired Tom, tired of your pickup lines." Tord laughs, looking up at me. "Oh really Tord? Well I think your clothes are nice, can I talk you out of them?" I say, kissing Tord's neck. "Get a room!" Andrea yells from the medical unit. It had just occurred to us that we had just stopped in the middle of the camp.

Tord blushed and I set him down. I leaned into his ear. "Dude, you're heavy. Can you keep me pinned down?" I whisper. Tord looks at me and his blush is burning a vibrant scarlet. I laugh and slip my hand into his. "W-why don't we G-get going. To the shooting range." Tord stutters. I laugh and pull him with me.

We got to the shooting range and by the end of it, both of us are blushing messes. We stumble into the gun rack and laugh, grabbing totally different guns than what we usually use. Tord grabs an AK47 and I grab a rifle. We realize what we did and laugh even more. Luckily Michi was there practicing and slapped Tord and I in the face. "Hey what the hell Michi?" I grunt, rubbing my face. "You two were being immature. You can do that elsewhere, just not at the shooting range." Michi scolds up, hefting her hunting rifle. Tord and I exchange glances before switching out our guns, I grab a handgun, and I hand Tord a shotgun.

I guide him to where we shoot, and tell him where the targets are. He nods and aims. I walk over to my shooting spot and aim. We both shoot at the same time. I look over at Tord who is staring at his gun. I blush and keep shooting. I make all of my shots, and Tord made most of his. We high five and put the guns back.

Tord goes back to his tower as I got to visit Amerson. "Hey Amerson!" I greet him as I open the tent flap. He's sitting on a bed crying. "A-Amerson?" I ask, looking at the person lying across from him. It's Saeki. "I couldn't save him..." Amerson sobs through his hands. Saeki was shot through the abdomen, and the wound looked old. It was festering and the blood was dried. "I couldn't save him...!" Amerson sobs again. "It's okay." I comfort him. "The wound looks too old and to critical to heal. You couldn't do anything." Amerson pushes his knees up to his chest and looks at me with red eyes. "But I could!" He sniffs. "No Amerson, he was to far gone." I calmly say, closing my eyes. "Okay... C-can I just get s-some time?" Amerson asks, looking back at Saeki. "Yeah, of course." I say, standing up.

I walk out of the tent and look around for something to do. "Yo Tom!" Andrea calls, waving me over. "Hey Andrea, how's it going?" I say, lightly jogging over to her. "You will not believe what happened!" She excitedly says, clapping her hands. I raise an eyebrow. "I got an apprentice!" She squeals. I put both eyebrows up. "Wanna meet him?" Andrea asks, opening her tent flap.

A.N: Michi belongs to NerdyPoptart and Andrea belongs to me.

Angel with a Shotgun --- A Tomtord Songfic --- Wattys 2017Where stories live. Discover now