Chapter 18: A View

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Laura led Gideon along the street easily. They had not been stopped once just as Gideon had said. They had their shovels with them but on their shoulder they had red squares pinned. Gideon had a large assortment of papers and patches and such, that let him go just about anywhere at any time. They were nearing home and she felt so happy. Finally they would be safe. Gideon had made the call as soon as she had explained and soon their transport would arrive. At twilight they would fly in from the sea and land atop the roof of a certain building. She would have to gather her group there quickly so they didn't leave without their passengers.

Gideon grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the street. She was about to comment when she saw the look in his eyes. He was listening. She strained her ears to hear what he must be listening to but she heard nothing. Instead she inched toward the street and peered around the corner. There was nothing unordinary and she could see their building a couple alleys down. She looked back at Gideon who shook his head and turned back the way they'd come. As soon as they reached the next street he ducked into a house and they started climbing.

"What's the matter? What did you hear?" She trusted he had heard something and it had put him on edge.

"Demons. On the chase. I'd say your friends have been found and are putting up a fight." Laura's heart slammed against her chest. Nathan had said they had three hours. She'd only been gone a little over one. He must have underestimated Zarlo's power. But if that were so they were trapped in there!

"We have to help them!" Gideon put his hand on her shoulder, his kind smile bringing tears to her eyes.

"What could we do? As you said they've got four of the finest warriors with them and the girls are resourceful. There's a whole herd of demons between them and us. We'd never get to them." Laura looked down at her trembling hands. She scrambled in her pocket, remembering.

"The birds! We could use them! It sent those fiends scrambling earlier!" She took it out and held it out to Gideon. His soft smile shattered her hope as he closed her fingers around it again.

"Yes, we could get in that way. But the Others won't run once we're in and Zarlo himself is there now. He definitely wouldn't run." They finally emerged onto the roof and crossed to look over to the building. Still there was nothing to be seen. Now that they were across from it she could hear some noise but quite muffled as if there were more building between than just the thin walls and bit of ground. She glanced to her right and noticed Gideon was moving down the roof bent slightly and listening.

"They're moving. And fast. Underground I guess. Toward the east. We have to move quickly if we're going to catch up." He grabbed her arm and they started down the stairs. The streets were quiet and still in the heat of midday. They went east toward the exit Laura knew of. There were two eastern exits and Gideon figured the demon would take the one closest to his fortress. She didn't know what they would be able to do if they caught up, but at least then they would know if there were prisoners. Her heart pounded and eyes teared at the thought they all might be dead.

They heard the noise before the saw them. A large group of demons mulled about one street over. Gideon pulled her inside and they got to the roof and looked over. About twenty were smelling about, fighting with each other and basically doing nothing to tell their observers what had happened. "There!" Gideon pointed back down the road and toward an alleyway. "I saw one going that way. It's the only lead we have. We'll follow and see what we can see."

"Gideon what's the point? There were so many. And a bunch still at the commons. They're dead." She sat down letting her despair wash though her. The tears came easily as they hadn't with her husband. Gideon knelt in front of her taking her shoulders and turning her head to look at him. His clear green eyes held a comfort she'd been without a long time. They also held hope.

"Lori why would these demons be milling about aimlessly so close to his lair? Why, they look quite comical smelling around, frustration so plain. Wonder what they lost." He paused looking her full in the face. "They lost their prisoner, Lori. Okay, it may not be your daughter or even her friends but we could help whoever it is." She saw he was determined to go and she knew he could move much faster and safer without her. Also it was getting late. She looked at him, forcing a smile.

"I will slow you down and I wouldn't be much help anyway. I'll go to the pickup place and wait there." She could see he was going to object and she put her finger to his lips. "I don't want you to have to worry about me and whoever is running. Go, now before you lose the trail." His smile was reassuring, his eyes sparked with that inner confidence that was always with him. He rose and left her there, disappearing from the roof. He never did say goodbye. He said it made him feel they were parting. That was the way with elves. Their parting words if any were Tchera Blin, conveying all the feeling that goes with close friends who know they'll meet again soon. If not today then tomorrow.

She pushed herself from the ground and started through the city.

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