Chapter 12

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*Malcolm's POV*

I woke up to the sunlight peering into my room from my open window. Looking at my phone and seeing no notifications, I groaned and pulled the covers over my head.

I guess it was a bit of a venture, but I honestly thought I'd be having some fun this weekend, and by fun, I mean some good D. Corey blessed me twice over, and this Collin person I met in the gym left a lasting impression. I must say, to suddenly be so dick hungry and craving sex, it makes me feel like I'm becoming less of a person, but jeez, it's so good!

I wonder if I can get me a nigga to stick to, I thought to myself as I laid in my bed. Both of them were great and all, but I didn't like the idea of being a booty call or choosing between two guys for good sex. Besides, that wasn't all I wanted anyway.

My phone started ringing, knocking me out of my thoughts. Picking it up, I saw Collin's number across my screen.

"Whassup?" I said into the phone, trying to hide my excitement. It's crazy how I was just thinking about him and here we are on the phone.

"Hey, um, there's something we need to talk about" he said back. He had a no-nonsense tone in his voice, and I could tell it wasn't going to be good.

"Alright", I said back, preparing myself, "what's going on?"

"What we did in the gym... it was good and all, but we both know that shouldn't have happened. I have no clue how many guys you've been with and you just put it on me with no protection or real warning whatsoever. Needless to say, don't expect any calls from me or anything. Goodbye."

Before I could say anything, the line clicked off in my ear. I was shocked and beyond angry at what I was just told, but hey, I can't blame him. Shaking my head at myself, I walked downstairs to make myself some breakfast. After eating, freshening up, and throwing on some clothes, I sat in my room, wondering what to do next. My parents were still out, and we had loads of stuff that I wouldn't finish alone before they returned.

A party, I thought to myself. Content with such a decision, I ran around the house frantically, setting up games and food ideas and music. Once the invites were sent on Facebook people immediately started responding. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but my parties are always good and turn out super litt. Shit, I could probably be a nightclub owner or something when I get older if I feel like it.

*Relli's POV*

"Babe I'm not too sure about all that" C said as he listened to my idea of going out to Malcolm's party. I'd recieved an invite online, and the first one we went to was so great, especially for the way it brought us even closer together at first. I jumped at the idea again, but C was tryna be lazy.

"C c'mon, it's gonna be fun", I said, trying to convince him as I pulled him in close and held him as he rested his head on my chest. The warmth of his body on mine kinda made me want to spend the rest of the day sleeping in this position, but I really wanted to go out. Besides, C can dance, and I wanna see that again tonight.

"Fine, just don't leave me so creepy people show up" he said, making me laugh a little.

"You guys going too" Collin asked as he passed our room, stopping in the doorway.

"Yeah, we gonna bring you and get you somebody niiice" I teased. Surprisingly, he didn't blush as usual, and instead laughed.

"I think I got that part covered already" he shot back as he walked away, chuckling to himself.

Once the night hours fell, we all started getting ready. I checked myself out in the mirror as I topped myself off with some minor jewelry. I had a white muscle shirt on with gray shorts and wolf grey 3s. I didn't really feel like doing anything big tonight.

C pulled no stops, though. His sexy ass had a black mesh top on with randomly placed colors on it, soft black shorts, and Peace Edition Nike Air Raids. Looking at him finish up, I walked up behind him, pressing my dick against his ass.

"Baby you needa chill before we end up not going" he said while I wrapped my arms around his waist. I ignored him and dipped into his neck, kissing and softly sucking on his neck, making him groan softly. My dick started hardening against his ass and he pulled away, laughing while holding onto his neck.

"We're definitely going to finish that later", I said in a seductive tone, licking my lips at the beauty before me. He just blushed and pecked my lips before leading me out of our room and to the couch. Once Collin came down from dressing up, we got into his truck and left for the party.

*CeFaan's POV*

We'd only been here for a few minutes and the party was already in its high stages. Music was blasting all throughout the house, people were dancing and hyping each other up, and others were playing games in the back or hanging out in the pool. Shit, this one is lookin' better than the first.

"Hey CeFaan", I heard a voice call out. I looked to my left to see Corey running up to me, smiling from ear to ear.

"Hey Corey" I yelled, running up to him and giving him a huge hug. Corey is such a great friend to me, and him being here meant we'd definitely have a great time.

"Heey", he said back, laughing, "I know you and Collin usually go out places together, is he around?"

I was a little shocked by his sudden question but I pointed toward the pool where Collin was floating alone while everyone else seemed to go back inside to dance. Once he caught sight of him he left my side and walked over, stripping down to his underwear before getting in.

*Collin's POV*

As everyone ventured back into the house for drinks and whatever else, I stayed outside and eventually got into the pool, floating aimlessly as I stared at the night sky.

"Lovely night tonight, isn't it?" I heard a familiar voice say before I felt a hand trail softly up my leg to my cheek. I looked over to see Corey smiling at me.

"Yeah, and it just got even better" he blushed a little as he looked down and laughed to himself. Without warning, I stood up in the pool and grabbed his face, planting a soft but lasting kiss onto his lips. He returned it and held onto my face, pulling me closer to him as he wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my groin to his, making him groan a little through the kiss.

"Hey cutie" I said to him, making him smile. He pushed himself out of the pool, his hot body shining in the moonlight.

"Is it okay if you come home with me tonight?" He asked, to which I found myself nodding yes before I realized what I was doing. After saying bye to the lovely couple, we got into my truck and drove towards his house. It wasn't long before we arrived.

"Parents not home?" I asked, observing the quiet and seemingly dead house.

"They barely ever are".

Stepping into his room just behing him, I held onto his waist as he bent over purposely to grab the TV remote. He'd stripped down to nothing the moment we crossed the threshold, and his bare ass on my boxers were driving me nuts.

"C'mere" he said in a low voice, crawling slowly across the bed, his ass flexing and relaxing as he did so. My dick was too hard to stay concealed any longer, and so I stripped naked as I got onto the bed and pinned him down. I immediately started kissing and sucking on his neck, loud moans coming from his mouth as he said my name over and over. I soon made my way down his torso, licking on each nipple as I set my sights on his dick, which was now so hard it stood straight up on its own. I grabbed it, making him jerk suddenly. With his sensitive member in hand, I slowly went down on him, his dick seeming to grow even more as he groaned and his body rose off of the bed. I sped up a little, his dick starting to leak precum into my mouth as I kept up this speed. Corey placed his hands on my head as his head went all the way back, but I soon let up, his dick still pulsing and leaking.

"You like that?" I said to him. He simply whimpered and shook his head, making me smile.

"Well", I said back, looking down at my hard member, "you're about to like this even more".

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