Chapter 17: "Ever & Ever"

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As you may have guessed, I've had a history of romance over the years. First, it was Kristofer, which is a funny story but that's for another time. Then there's Nate or Nathaniel he was in the 8th grade, which he was really sincere even confessed of liking me after school while we were waiting for our bus. I'll never forget that day and then, of course, there's Nano, who cheated on me with a girl from his hometown. Then there's Tiger whoever just so happens to have moved on from his friend who committed suicide to me in a heartbeat. Basically, I was just a replacement for the dead chick, at least that's what Jasmine and I think. Lastly, there's Nick just the thought of him makes me gag, which is surprising since I'm supposed to be this "Super Fan" but anyways.

I am currently in the living room at the dining room table on my computer writing however my thoughts are interrupted by someone banging on my front door. Since I have my earphones in, I don't hear them. Then I get a text from a blocked number telling me to come to the door and to let them in since it was raining. Why do you think I was writing? To me, I think that rain of any kind, whether it's a thunderstorm or a regular rain shower is the perfect weather to write. Although I hate when the power goes out, that's just the worst thing ever.

I get up, using the walls of my house to balance myself in order to not fall. I go let whoever it is in well not really, but you know what I mean. "Who is it?" I ask not being able to look through the peephole.

The familiar voice just asks me "Are your parents home?" as I just answer "Depending on who it is." I hear a sigh and a "Come on Aby. It's cold out here and I'm shivering. Can you please just open the damn door?"

I sigh and open it, lightly seeing the rain as it pelts down behind him. When I see him all wet, I ask "Are you insane? Come on in" and let him in as his shoes start to squeak. He sits on the sofa by the entertainment center while I go into my bathroom and grab him a few towels from under the sink.

"Here," I say throwing the thing at him, but knowing me I'm bad at throwing. Luckily Nick has quick reflexes so he caught the thing in midair before it fell to the floor. "Thanks." He says as I nod. "Don't worry about it," I tell him with an awkward silence following.

"It's been a while." He says trying to make conversation with me. I nod politely though and ask "Do you want something to drink or eat?" He then tells me "No, I'm good thanks." I nod and just go back to my writing, not knowing or even wanting to know why he's here in the first place.

"What are you working on homework?" He asks me I guess trying to be nice. "No, a story," I say trying to stay focused on the monitor in front of me instead of him.

"Still want to be a writer?" He asks chuckling a little.
"What's so funny?" I ask him. To say that his laughter does not fit well with me is a complete understatement.

"Nothing." He says with a toothy grin. "You're just so cute when you go after what you want." He says with another toothy grin.

I sigh. I know that he's very persistent if he gives too many toothy grins and so far he's given me two. I save my work, shut down my computer and ask him "What could you possibly want Nicholas."

"I want to know why you flaked on me when I asked you to marry me?" He asked me.

"I gave you my reason already," I tell him with a monotone voice.

"I don't accept that it's too rushed as a great excuse, Ms. Carter." He tells me and I roll my eyes with the usage of my last name, in that way he has no right.

"Why did you flake on me?" He asks me again.

Knowing the answer is the same, I tell him over and over again "I already told you."

"Aby please tell me. You can't keep me in the dark for so long. What the hell is going on with you?" He asks me. "What could I do to make it right between us again?" He then asks me with what sounds to be like sadness in the tone of his voice.

"That's the problem, Nick," I say with a sigh. "It can't just go back to the way it used to be because it wasn't nothing that really there, at least not to me it wasn't."

"What do you mean to you it wasn't real? Don't you like me?" He asked me with a light sad expression on his face. Of course, I liked him. I even loved him at one point but after everything that has happened; I promised never to let my guard down to some guy ever again. Although Nick isn't just someone from online or anything, he's Nick fucking Jonas. I don't think I can stay mad at him for long.

"Why can't I make up for what I've done to you?" He asks me with a sudden urgency in the tone of his voice. As I look at him straight in the ey, I sigh and get really agitated. I want to just scream that it's all because of what he told me when we got out of the club that night but he'd probably just deny that he ever said anything like that to me.

"IT JUST CAN'T" I scream making him jump, probably scarred for life.

"Give me one explanation other than the fact that it's too rushed because I agree with you there." He said soothingly to me. If he agrees, he still wouldn't be here trying to persuade me to marry him or try to figure out why I said no.

"Because then you'll cheat on me," I say as the tears roll down my face. I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt his thumb wiping the tears that were coming down as he cupped my face.

"Cheat on you?" He asked confused about the idea... "Where did you get that from?" He asked still confused.

"From online... The headline was "Nick Dumps Mystery Girl for Hudson." I tell him which got me really agitated again because they were wrong about how it all went down at the time.

"Oh my God Abigail. Don't you know not to believe those stupid tabloids." He says almost agitated. "Kate and I are NOT dating." He says looking at me straight in the eye.

I wipe the corner of my eye and sigh "Okay fine" I say to him with my face all red and puffy. "But, what about Jasmine and that dream you gave me?"

"What dream?" he asks me with an eyebrow raised. "And I was only hanging around Jasmine to get close to you because I made a mistake and I wanted to fix it. You talk about that girl more than you talk about me so I just thought I go to the source myself and ask her where you were." He confessed.

"In my defense, I can't talk about you with you because that'll just be weird," I tell him giggling a little. What am I doing, I'm supposed to be mad at him.

"Touché." He says while scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. He then comes over to me and sits next to me in my Dad's chair he uses for dinner. He places his hand on top of mine as I quickly pull away and say "You cannot do that anymore" as he looks at me with confusion once more.

"And, why not?" He asks me with an eyebrow raised.

"Because we aren't together anymore Nick that's why not," I tell him with a sad monotone voice.

"Aby please let me make it up to you because I don't mind waiting forever for you and me to be together. Pretty please with sugar-free cherries on top, please forgive me and be mine forever. I promise I won't ever disappoint you again. I want to grow old with you and without you, I'm a complete wreck. I don't know what the fucking hell I'm doing most of the time."

"You mean getting drunk and having sex with random people, even a foursome with the 3 women you've fucked in the past." I spat out angrily.

"OH MY GOD DO YOU EVER FUCKING LISTEN?" He screams at me "I DID NOT FUCK KATE OR JASMINE BECAUSE IF I DID I WOULD BE A FUCKING FATHER RIGHT NOW AND DO YOU HEAR ON THE TABLOIDS THAT ANY OF THE FUCKING TWO ARE FUCKING PREGNANT!!!" His yelling is intolerable at the moment. I can't stand it and if I wasn't such a nice person I would so be going to my room grabbing a crutch or both and smacking the living shit out of him but I just sit there and shake my head no.

"I'm so so so so super so sorry Aby. Can you ever forgive me? I want to get past this so that way we can just move on and have the time of our lives together intimately and not intimately. Just please forgive me." He begs me, which I have to say is not a pretty picture on him.

"If I forgive you, will you stop begging me to forgive you?" I ask playfully. He looks at me with this confused expression.

"But if you forgive me then there's nothing for me to beg for?" He says still with a confused expression on his face.

"You're almost there smart ass," I say playfully again. Gosh, I love messing with this guy.

"So, wait if I don't have to beg anymore." He says as he pauses while I put my finger on his lips so he stops breaking his head with what I was trying to say.

"Yes, Nick," I say with a smile. "I forgive you," I say with an exultant look on my face. Well, that's an understatement, to be honest. I was really over the moon that I forgave him, just because now I don't have to deal with scary nightmares about him wanting us to elope. Plus I hate holding grudges, but that's not the point. I just hope I don't regret this later.

As we finish our embrace, he then tells me "This is good news by the way." I look at him with a confused expression and ask "Why is that?"

To my dismay, he gets down on one knee as he pulls out a small box... Holding it in his hands I think to myself "Okay, today is officially my death day or Nick's because I know that if my dad sees this happening, he'll kill him for sure and then all hell will break loose."

I gulp and ask "Nick, that's not a ring is it?" as I suddenly become very nervous and have a sudden urge to throw up.

Nick then looks at my face and says "What no. Didn't we just say that we both thought it was too rushed?" He asked with a confused expression.

I nod trying to hold my puke back, really hoping I didn't just regret my decision.
He then opens the box that holds a bracelet with the cross Jesus died on for us and next to it a key but why a key? Your guess is as good as mine.

"Abigail Carter," he says with a toothy grin

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"Abigail Carter," he says with a toothy grin. "Will you move in with me," he asks as we hear the door open and hear "Abigail Carter, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING???" I jump at the usage of my full name and see who just caught me in the act, but all I can do was just stand there waiting for any punishment God decides to give me. Lord, please give me some Mercy.

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