Chapter 1

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Hi, everyone. This is my first time writing a story, so I apologize in advance if it is terrible. I would like to take the time to explain a few things before the beginning of the story.

1. This story is a fanfiction based on Junjou Romantica. All credit for the original story goes to Shungiku Nakamura.
2. The plot closely parallels the original story with some differences that I have altered from the original plot.
3. Misaki was 10 when his parents died and Takahiro was 18. Presently, Misaki is 18 and Takahiro is 26. Usagi was 17 when Misaki lost his parents and is now 25.
4. My grammar and spelling is not the best, so there will be grammatical and spelling errors. Please do your best to ignore minor errors, but feel free to point out major errors.
5. I will be updating a new chapter every Friday, unless something happens and I am unable to do so.

Please enjoy, and if the story is not to your liking there's a simple solution; stop reading. There is no need to comment insults, I am human after all and consequently I have human emotions.

Chapter 1

I grew up in an environment where trusting anyone meant one's immediate downfall, consequently I developed trust issues. Therefore, I started to close myself off to others and as a result I became isolated. However, there was one person who was able to break the walls I had built around myself; Takahiro Takahashi. Takahiro was a normal person, that is to say there was nothing particularly special about him. It was probably for that reason that he was able to tear down the walls that surrounded me. However, it was my first meeting with him that gave him the power to get close enough to tear down my walls.

I first met Takahiro as a freshman in Senior High during final exam week. As per usual we had to sit in alphabetical order during exams and I happened to sit in his desk. Exams to me were like any other task that I had to accomplish and the faster I got it over with the better. As with any other test I have taken, I was done within ten minutes. For the remainder of the time I continued the story I had just started the day before. Writing was my escape from reality, my chance to create a world where I had absolute power to decide the fate of all the characters, but above all it was my way of expressing everything that I couldn't express in real life. I was writing the last part of my story when time was called and final exams were finally over. In the mist of all the chaos and cheers that ensued afterwords, I didn't realize that I had left the notebook on Takahiro's desk.

The next day I found the notebook on top off my desk, and when I opened it up I saw a sticky note with a message on it.

Hi, your story is really interesting. If you don't mind, can you please continue it? (If you have the time.)


At first I was surprised, but then I started to get this strange feeling in my chest. A feeling that I had never felt before, yet it wasn't a bad feeling. For the first time in my life someone had taken an interest in what I had to say, though it was unknowingly. That whole day I contemplated on whether I should respond or ignore Takahiro. In the end I had decided to ignore him because I was so sure that he couldn't be trusted. However, the next day he came up to me and formally introduced himself. It was the first time anyone had came up to talk to me and I was internally ecstatic.

"Usami! You are so talented, that story was so interesting. I'm Takahiro Takahashi by the way. Let's be friends!" He said looking up at me, eyes shining with honesty.

It was the first time anyone had been so open about their feelings and it was refreshing to someone as emotionless as me. So in the end I finished writing the story and then I gave the notebook to Takahiro. That year I had gained my first friend. The following year Takahiro was once again in my class, and I was ecstatic. What had started of as a feeling of friendship for Takahiro slowly took the form of love. At first I was reluctant to admit to myself that I had fallen for a guy, but as time went by I could no longer deny my feelings for him. However, to Takahiro I was just a friend and I knew that, that would never change. So, I bottled my feeling of love for him and contented myself with the fact that I could stay by his side as a precious friend.

Life, however, was unfair and cruel. In our last year of Senior High, Takahiro suddenly left school and I never saw him again for years. It wasn't until recently that I received a letter from him inviting me to his wedding. Upon receiving that invitation, I felt my heart break and heard as it shattered into million of pieces. My first love had ceased to exist before it was given the chance to live.

***End of Chapter***

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Next update: Friday, October 28, 2016.

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