Chapter 24

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"MISAKI! MISAKI! MISAKI! Where are you?" I shouted.

It had taken me a whole hour to drive to my father's house. The whole ride there I couldn't help but feel anxious. I was sure that with every second Misaki spent with my father, was a second closer to the end of our relationship. I knew Misaki was strong and that he could deal with difficult situations, but I also knew that he was kind and that he feared being a burden. My father knew that too, and he would do anything to separate me from Misaki.

"Misaki just left a few minutes ago, why don't you come in and stay a while. I have so many things I would like to discuss with you." My father voiced as he came into my view.

It has been a long time since I last talked to my father, in fact I haven't had a proper conversation with him since I left this house. He had certainly grown older, as was evident by the stubborn grey hairs that refused to disguise themselves with the black hair dye he used. His face also showed more wrinkles, but that didn't take away his powerful aura that surrounded him since my childhood.

"I have nothing to discuss with you, so tell me where you are hiding Misaki and I'll be on my way." I told him.

"I was not lying when I said Misaki has left, plus why would I want to hide him. I just wanted to talk with you. Come sit down." He said as he sat down.

"If Misaki isn't here then I'll be on my way." I said as I turned around to leave.

"Akihiko sit down. I have things I need to discuss with you." My father repeated in a more serious tone.

For some reason I was unable to take another step forward and was forced to turn around to face him once again. I was reminded of when I was young and he would use that tone of voice with me. It meant that I was in terrible trouble. Possibly due to those memories, I obeyed my father and sat back down.

"What do you want to talk about." I managed to ask without sounding emotionally unstable.

"I want to discuss your relationship with that boy." He replied.

"That boy is the love of my life, he is the one I will spend the rest of my life with. I don't think there is anything else to discuss." I said.

"I know that right now it may seem like you are in love, but what you feel for him isn't love, it's lust. It's the excitement of being in a forbidden relationship that makes you think you are in love. However, in a few years you will get tired of it, and you will find a woman who you will truly love. So why don't you put an end to this farce of a relationship you have with that boy." He said.

"My relationship with Misaki isn't a farce, it's real. And if this is all you wanted to say then I'll take my leave now." I said.

"Just think about it Akihiko, will you be able to protect him against the prejudice that he will encounter if your relationship is exposed to the public? How about his brother, how do you think he will react upon finding out that his younger brother is in a relationship with a man who is seven years older? A man whom he has thought of as a dear friend." Every word he spoke caused a dent in my armor, but it would take so much more to break me.

However, it worried me that he could have been successful in convincing Misaki. While Misaki wasn't weak, he could be gullible at times, and I feared the impact my father's word could have had on him. I also couldn't help but be slightly concerned about how Takahiro would react, because I knew how protective he was of Misaki. As for my career, I would be ready to face any consequences if it meant I could stay with Misaki. I was also ready to face any hate from the public, because Misaki was way more important to me than anyone's opinion. All I was hoping for was that Misaki would throw caution to the wind and put his love for me over is moral sense that sparked his sense of duty to protect me. I didn't need protection, all I need is Misaki's love.

"If that is all you have to say, I have nothing else to do here. All I'm going to tell you is that my love for Misaki is as real as the oxygen we breathe, denying it is like dying. I truly hope that you will learn to accept my relationship with Misaki in the future, otherwise don't bother looking for me ever again." I said.

"Akihiko, one last thing for you to dwell on before you leave. How do you think Takahiro would react if he found out that Misaki is just a replacement for him? That you never once saw him as a friend, and that all this time you have lusted after him. Do you think Misaki would still love you if he knew that he was just a replacement for his older brother whom you could never forget." My father's final statements caused a chill to run down my spine.

How did he find out about my previous feeling for Takahiro? My mind was a whirlwind of overflowing thought. My heart was pounding in my chest in an attempt to circulate my frozen blood around my body that had turned stone cold. The first seed of fear and insecurity settled in the pit of my stomach and caused it to twist and churn with nervousness. What if my father decides to tell Takahiro about my past feelings for him, would that be the end of my happiness with Misaki?

***End of Chapter***

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