Chapter 26

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It has been three days since Misaki left me to go take refuge at his brother's house. While I can't say that I was okay being apart from him, I also was trying my hardest to understand his point of view. He must have been really frightened by the things my father had told him, I'm sure he just needed some time to think things through. At least that's what I have been telling myself in order to console my crumbling heart.

The past few days have been very useful to me in helping me sort through certain things myself. With Misaki gone I was able to sort though my emotions and come to terms with my feelings for Misaki. I was the first one to confess my love to Misaki, however I must admit that at that time I blurted out my feelings in the heat of the moment. I was afraid of losing him at that time and I believe that was what prompted me to confess to him without thinking through it. Now though, I was sure of my feelings for Misaki. I was completely and irrevocably in love with him. Since the day I confessed my feeling have only grown, and with the past few days spent apart my feelings for him haven't lessen at all. My only concern was whether Misaki was able to work through his feelings for me. I could only hope that he was as in love with me as I was with him.

Completely immersed in my thought it took me a while to hear the ringing of the phone. I hurriedly got up to answer it hoping that it was Misaki. I truly do miss him, it was tortuous to have been apart from him for so long, with absolutely no contact.

"Hello." I answered before the final ring.

"Usagi-san it's me, Misaki." He said.

"Misaki are you doing okay, do you need anything." I blurted out as an overwhelming sense of worry took over me.

"I'm okay, how about you? Are you eating probably?" Misaki asked worry evident in his voice. It made me happy to know that he still cared for me.

"I'm alright, I'll survive. Misaki we need to talk, but I'm willing to wait until you are ready." I decided I should be the first one to address the elephant in the room.

"I know, but I need to work out some things. I'm just asking that you understand me and give me some more time." He said.

I was ready to give him all he time he needed if it helped him come to a decision about our relationship, yet I couldn't help but be slightly afraid of the final outcome of the time we spend apart.

"Misaki I have a book signing on Saturday. Do you think that would be enough time for you to get things straightened out? It would really mean the world to me if you came." I said.

"I'll be there, and I'll definitely give you an answer then. Usagi-san, please take care of yourself." He said.

"The meeting starts at 10 in the morning. I'll be waiting for you." I told him.

"I won't forget, I promise." He said before ending the phone call.


Two days later and it was finally Saturday. The past two days were the longest days of my entire life, they seem to have stretched out into two months rather than days. My excitement at finally being able to see Misaki for the first time in almost a week was overpowered by my uneasiness and fear of the possible outcome and the uncertainty of our relationship.

"Akihiko-sensei are you ready we are about to start. The place is already packed, you have a bunch of fans who don't want to miss this rare opportunity to meet you." Onodera-san, my editor, beamed at me. He seemed to be more excited than me about this fan meeting.

"I'm ready. Did you find out if Misaki has arrived yet?" I asked anxiously.

"He isn't here yet, but I promise to tell you immediately when he arrives. Now hurry up, it's time to start." He said as he ushered me into the book store where the signing was going to be held.

As soon as I entered I was met with cheers and applauses. I was surprised at the amount of people who showed up, however what surprised me more was that there were people from a variety of ages. I had always assumed that my audience consisted of only one age group. I went to take my seat at the desk that was prepared for me. Before sitting down I scanned the crowed for any sign of Misaki, to my disappointment I saw no sign of him. I tried telling myself that he will come, he promised he would.

One by one the fans would come up and I would sign the book for them. Some of them gave me presents which were taken away by Onodera-san and piled on top of the table behind me. I did my best to focus on the fans who were in front of me, but all I could think of was whether Misaki had arrived yet. The line was starting to come to an end when suddenly there was a commotion at the entrance to the book store. More people were pouring in and joining the line.

"Akihiko-sensei, more people who don't have passes are coming in after seeing the sign outside. Isaka-san was notified and he said that we should accept as many of them as we can since you never do fan meetings. So please bare with it a little bit more." Onodera-san informed me.

"That's fine, by the way have you seen Misaki?" I asked for what felt like the hundredth time that day.

"No, I haven't seen him. I'm sure he is just running late and he'll be here before the end." Onodera-san said clearly trying to reassure me, but with every second that passed my hopes were starting to die. What if Misaki decided that he didn't want to be with me anymore. What would I do if that were the case. Would I be able to let him go?

The line was once again starting to think out. There were about twenty people left and there still was no sign of Misaki. All too soon the last person was in front of me and I had to force a smile for the picture she requested when in reality I didn't feel like smiling. As she walked out the book store my final shred of hope died with the closing of the door behind her. Misaki didn't show up, even though he had promised me that he would come. For the third time in my life I truly felt like crying and it took everything ounce of my self control not to loose it in front of all the staff.

***End of Chapter***

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