Chapter 25

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The drive back home was one of the longest drives I have ever experienced. My mind couldn't help but wander how the future would turn out. The biggest question being whether I would be able to salvage my relationship with Misaki. If I was correct in assuming that everything my father had just told me was what he told Misaki, then my relationship with him could be in serious trouble. For this reason I had to get home and talk to Misaki in hopes of convincing him that he shouldn't take what my father told him too seriously. I have to convince him that together we could confront whatever obstacles life throws at us.

When I got to the apartment I hurriedly got out of my car and rushed inside. However, to my immense disappointment Misaki wasn't home. Could he have gone somewhere else, or is it possible that he didn't want to come home. What if he decided that it was best if we separated immediately. In a panic I went up to his room and checked to see if his things were still there. I released the breath I was holding when I saw that his things were still where they belonged. Next I went to my room, I say my room but in reality it has become our room, I opened the closet and saw that his clothes where still hung where they belonged. I allowed myself to somewhat relax. He was probably just shopping for groceries. He wouldn't leave me without saying anything first. With my mind slightly at ease, I went back downstairs to wait for Misaki's arrival.

Tick Tock

Tick Tock

Tick Tock

The sound of the minutes ticking by was the only thing that could be heard. All too soon the living room had darkened signifying the beginning of the night. Misaki was still not home. I was starting to seriously worry. Could something have happened to him. Was it possible that my father was lying about Misaki having left just before I got there. I was such a fool, of course he was lying. Misaki was probably locked away in one of the many rooms and he couldn't find a way out. I should have searched every room till I found him, why did I have to give up so easily. Misaki is probably scared, and hoping that I come to save him. With that in mind I got up and was halfway out the door when the phone rang. I was going to ignore it, but a part of me was telling me that it could be Misaki calling. In the end I went back inside and managed to answer the phone on the final ring.

"Misaki?!" I questioned in hopes that it was him.

"It's me Takahiro-" he replied.

"Oh, do you need something?" I questioned disappointed that it wasn't Misaki on the line.

"Actually, I was just calling to let you know that Misaki showed up here. He seemed upset, but he refuses to tell me what is going on. I just wanted to let you know he was fine so that you wouldn't worry." Takahiro told me.

Relief flooded me immediately, and I was finally able to fully relax. Misaki was okay, he wasn't locked away like I thought.

"Akihiko tell me the truth, did you guy have a fight or something?" He questioned, concern evident in his voice.

"We didn't exactly have a fight, I just think we both need some time to think over things. There is nothing for you to worry about. Listen, can I speak to Misaki for a minute?" I inquired.

"Hold on let me ask, and I hope you are right about there being nothing to worry about." He said.

After the relief that I felt upon finding out that Misaki was okay passed, other unwanted emotions emerged. Among which were sadness, loneliness, and a slight feeling of betrayal.

"I'm sorry Akihiko, Misaki says he doesn't want to talk right now. I think it would be best if you give him some space. I don't know exactly what is going on, but I know Misaki values your friendship. I'm sure that whatever problems you may be having will be resolved in no time. Well that is all I wanted to say, goodnight Akhiko." Takahiro said.

"Goodnight Takahiro, and thank you for calling me." I said before hanging up.

A part of me couldn't help but be hurt by Misaki's rejection, yet another part of me was struggling to try and comprehend his actions. Maybe he just really needed time to sort out his thoughts. I should try to be more optimistic. However, Takahiro's last word echoed in my mind. Misaki values your friendship. After hearing him utter those words I couldn't help but feel slightly guilty. In the end my father was right about one thing; Misaki and I had to tell Takahiro about our relationship.

***End of Chapter***

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