Chapter 9

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Lydia lets out another cry, her chest heaving with exhaustion as Danica gives in.
"Nova, I'm sorry. She just doesn't have it in her. I can heal it, but just the pain of it will kill her." Danica admits finally, shaking her head. It took days to get Lydia here; her legs are completely numb and she's faded in and out of consciousness. Her skin has a sickly glow, as if her ghost is fighting to break out of her body. We suspect Lydia was somehow struck in her back by Alduin or one of the flaming rocks he sent falling from the sky. She's gotten continually worse as the days have dragged on; I wish we could've gotten to Whiterun sooner. "She's bleeding, somewhere inside her body of course. There's nothing I can do... I'm so sorry." Danica tells me after examining her further. Lydia's glassy eyes open again, looking up at me as she takes a few ragged breaths that sound as if they could be her last. I reach down and gently take her cold hand in mine. Danica steps away to the shrine of Kynareth at the front of the temple, kneeling down to pray.
"Lydia, I'm so sorry. I should've done more to keep you safe." I tell her, fighting the emotions that threaten to spill over. I've watched so many good warriors and soldiers come and go that I always think I can no longer feel loss and grief, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
"No my Thane, I've served my purpose; I've kept you safe. I can pass on to Sovngarde now." She says, the light in her eyes flickering like a candle. I remember when I first met her; strong and silent, didn't ask questions that probably should have been asked. The perfect companion for someone like me with so many secrets. But how could I have expected her to tell me her story if I never shared mine?
"Why did you swear to serve me and sacrifice your life for me? You could've had your freedom, had you ever asked for it. You did know that, didn't you?" I ask her, finally disregarding my tears.
"I lost my own family long ago, and with them my purpose. My husband. My little boy. I just went back to what I was good at. I became a mercenary, eventually serving the Jarl. I heard of how you brought Skyrim her freedom, of your great power. When I was asked if I would become your housecarl, how could I say no to fighting alongside you? Not only that, but you brought me into your home and into your family. I couldn't have asked for more, my thane." She breathes, struggling to get the words out. Whenever she breathes or coughs, her chest makes a terrible rattling noise. I would try to take her pain away, but I don't have the strength to do it. The only thing I can do is sit and listen to this dying woman. "I assure you, I never thought to ask for my freedom. I had it when I was with you. Thank you, Stormblade Novariana of Rorikstead." She smiles weakly, and closes her eyes as if falling asleep. Although I knew she didn't have a lot of time left, somehow I didn't expect it to happen that quickly. It always surprises me that life can flow out of a body so suddenly. I sit in the floor next to her, staring at the peaceful smile. After I've collected myself, I stand and quickly exit the temple without a word.

Alduin will pay. For now, I'll store away all the anger I have for him.

It's almost dark now; the Jarl probably expected me back hours ago. The trap must be ready by now. The streets are mostly empty and quiet, a warm, welcoming breeze rushing through the branches of the Gildergleam, but something feels off. The few citizens passing by glance apprehensively at a hooded figure sitting on one of the benches surrounding the great tree. They're facing away from me as they suddenly stand, their black cape sweeping around them with the breeze. I take a few short steps toward the figure, my hand firmly grasping Wuuthrad's handle. When I get too close, they finally turn, two familiar silver eyes shine beneath the hood.
"I hardly recognized you without the war paint." I tell her. She turns completely, displaying her full blades armor shimmering softly in the setting sun.
"Delphine said making myself too recognizable would be dangerous. The Thalmor could torture the Companions for information about me if they knew I was one of them." Aela says softly, glancing around us at the passersby. Delphine's paranoia is infectious. "What happened to your face?" The left side of my jaw and neck is covered in blisters, I remember. It stings of course, but I used all my magic healing Lydia, and Danica did too.
"Just another dragon." I tell her, rolling my eyes. If I tell her what I'm doing she'll insist on coming. Or worse, Delphine will insist on coming. "Why are you here?" I ask.
"I can't be away too long, but I needed to speak with you privately... Or at least away from them." She says.
"Is something wrong?"
"They know, Nova.. About the dragon." She says cautiously.
"There happens to be a lot of those, unfortunately. It's becoming a bit of a crisis, some have said."
"The one living at High Hrothgar. It's not good Nova." She says. I sigh and shake my head. I knew Delphine wouldn't understand.
"Well they'll just have to live with it then. He never leaves the damn mountain; it's not like he's a threat." I grumble.
"But he is a threat. Think about it Nova; Dragons are dominating and power hungry by nature. When Alduin is gone he'll just take his place." She says. If that is their nature, I wonder what mine is.
"Aela, no one knows that better than I do. But Paarthurnax is different—"
"I didn't come to argue with you. They'll want you to kill him, no questions asked. Otherwise, they'll refuse to help you from here on out." She explains. I roll my eyes and bite my tongue, holding back my fury.
"Oh, that's just great. Delphine preaches about how the blades have been looking for a purpose for so long but now that they have one they'd like to throw me away first chance they get. Fine then. I suppose they're just as disposable as I am."
"Nova, please at least think about it. They don't know I'm here and they don't know what I've told you... If you refuse, this could be the last time we meet."
"So you agree with them then?" I shout.
"Keep your voice down...! I don't agree completely. I do believe Paarthurnax shouldn't be left to live after Alduin is defeated, but I also believe it is your choice and the Blades should stand by you. Regardless, I've finally found my place with them. The seclusion of Sky Haven Temple and the discipline of being a knight sister is the kind of... Structure I needed." She explains.
"I understand. Even if we never see each other again, you'll always be a friend to me. If you ever need me, come find me." I tell her as I hug her tightly, knowing it could be the last time. As she pulls away, she reveals a small sack under her cape.
"Consider it something to remember me by. Goodbye, Nova." She says softly as she wipes her cheeks and turns away, jogging for the city gates.
After she's out of sight, I open the bag. Inside is her ancient Nord armor, complete with the helmet and its sweeping deer antlers. She loved this armor, wore it so often it became a part of her identity. I'll definitely cherish this gift. I take a detour back to my home to change into it; it's only fitting that I defeat Alduin in this.
As soon as I enter Dragonsreach, Jarl Vignar awaits me with a few guards at the top of the steps. He frantically rushes over to me, bringing his arm over his chest to salute me.
"Dragonborn! The preparations are complete." He says quickly. It occurs to me that he perhaps expected me to stop, but I'm making a beeline for the balcony where we'll trap Odahviing, the dragon that will lead me to Alduin, wherever he hides.
"Good. I won't waste another day letting that scum Alduin live." I tell him as I step around him. He rushes to catch up to me, two of his guards following close behind him. Though I'm shorter, he struggles to keep up with me.
"Forgive me if I'm speaking out of my place Dragonborn, but do you have a plan? I can't have this dragon burning down my city."
"Leave it to me, Vignar. Whiterun won't even know he's here."
We get to the balcony, where several soldiers await nervously. I'm sure after the first dragon attacked Whiterun a year ago, they've been very cautiously awaiting another. It's a lot to ask that they not only allow another dragon inside their walls, but onto the Jarl's balcony.
I walk out to the edge, taking a deep breath as I shout into the sky.

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