Coronation Takes Flight

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Chapter Seven: Coronation Takes Flight

It's the moment that everybody has been waiting for...your coronation! You finally meet your parents and big brother who you've never known! Pretty awesome, huh? Oh and I wanted to thank mockingjay1997 for her great suggestion that I will definitely include in my story (I only changed it a bit), and all the countless other wonderful people that have made this story possible with their kind feedback and ideas. Well, here's your coronation!

You fiddle with your baby blue and white dress made by Rarity for your special day. You take a deep breath, still a bit nervous to show yourself as Princess [Y/N]. After a few minutes, you hear Celestia say your cue.

"And now, after returning from another world, I wish to welcome Princess [Y/N] back to Equestria, her family, and her throne." Your surrounding choir begins singing as the walk down the aisle towards the four princesses waiting for you-Luna, Celestia, Twilight, and a new princess you had never met before. She was pastel pink and had a long, multicolor mane and tail. As you look to the side of the princesses, you see Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Discord, Spike, and Zecora all smiling and supporting you. You finally walk up to stand between Celestia and Twilight, your Golden Crown glistening on top of your head. It shocks and scares you a bit as everypony stands up and then bows to you respectfully. You smile modestly and then walk out to the balcony to address the kingdom. Before you can say anything, Twilight steps forward.

"I would like to say a few words," she announces, and Celestia nods approvingly. "Not too long ago was my coronation. Back then, I didn't know that I had a sister, it didn't even cross my mind. But now that I do, I know that I could never live without her. Not only is she my sister, but she's one of my friends, and she has taught me a lot about friendship. And now that I know that we will one day be ruling together over Equestria, I couldn't be happier. Congratulations, sister. And thank you to all of my friends that helped make tis day possible." With that, she steps back and gives you a hug, which you happily return. After your hug, you take a big step forward.

"Thank you, Twilight. You're the best sister I could ever ask for." You look around the room joyously, seeing everypony's eyes watering a bit. "You know, before I came here, everything in my life felt so wrong. I had a mother, but now I have more than I could ever want. I have a mother and father, a big brother, and a sister. Not to mention my friends, who I will always have faith in, because I know that they love me and will always be there for me, and I will always be there for them. That's just how friendship works." As you finish your speech, everypony standing below stomps theirs hooves and cheers for you. After this, you walk back inside with your friends and look at them all lovingly. "You know, everything I said was true. I love you guys."

"And we love you too, [Y/N]," Fluttershy says sweetly.

"Yeah, and we're friends to the end!" Rainbow nods. You then bring everypony in for a group hug, and even Spike and Discord don't complain. You're all just a multicolored ball of friendship.

"[Y/N]!" You hear a male voice behind you say, and turn around to see a white stallion with a short blue mane looking at you with a smile. "I know that we're just now meeting, but I'm so proud of you. I'm Shining Armor, your big brother."

"Wow...I have a big brother." You contemplate this. "That's going to take some getting used to." The two of you then come in for a small hug, and then Twilight joins in.

"Hey, BBBFF!" she says happily, and he ruffles her mane.

"Hey, Twilie! Oh, [Y/N], I want you to meet my wife, Princess Cadence. We rule the Crystal Empire together." He steps aside to let the pastel pink alicorn that was standing by you at your crowning step forward. She smiles deeply at you and you find something about her utterly calming and secure.

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