Princess Pony Slumber Party

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Chapter Ten: Princess Pony Slumber Party

Hey guys. Sorry about the wait, I got really sick. You know, I've had some serious writer's block lately, but I'm glad my readers are here to get me through it. Now, a lot of people have been asking me how long Crossing Words is really going to be. I mean, I can't believe that we're already to chapter ten, but l still have so much of a story to tell you (once I can figure out how to tell it), so I think that this story may end up being...maybe sixteen chapters? But that all depends. Another thing...I have been practically trampled by people telling me to make a chapter about the return of Reptantis. Don't worry, I pinkie promise that I will do that. In fact, it will be very soon, so just hold your ponies! All right, read away!

"I bet you didn't know that I duplicated myself! Isn't that a fun story? Huh? Isn't it?" A pair of happy blue eyes looks back at your [E/C] eyes expectantly. You smile at her pep.

"Yes, Pinkie Pie, it is pretty cool." You stand up from where you where sitting at Twilight's desk and look outside. The sky is beginning to turn darker as the sun sets in the distance. "I'm kind of glad that I wasn't here to see it, though."

"Yeah, you should be!" Rainbow Dash agrees, flying up behind you. "It was completely out of control chaos!"

"Did somepony call me?" Discord says with a smirk from where he stands next to Fluttershy, Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack.

"You want some trouble, Dipcord?" Rainbow Dash teases, putting her fists up jokingly.

"Hey, I'm still used to being ol' Mr. Chaos," he jokes, holding his mismatched hands up defensively.

"Whatever," Rainbow snorts. She then looks at you. You're still looking outside as the last of the sun disappears under the horizon. It still gets you every time, the way that the moon takes its place in the sky as soon as the sun is lowered. Like clockwork. Only it's not a machine, it's two living, breathing, colorful ponies that cause the world to sustain life. "Um, hello, pony with the far-off stare." Rainbow Dash's voice brings you back to reality.

"What?" you snap quickly.

"Hey, take it easy, I was just wondering what was so cool outside."

You sigh. "Sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I was just watching the sun go down."

"WHAT?! It's night already?" Rarity looks at you anxiously. "Oh my goodness, I must get home! Poor Opalescence will need her bath, and I have to work on a dress for a new client! I'm sorry, everypony, but I must go. I bid you all adieu." Dramatically, Rarity waves goodbye and walks out the door.

"Yeesh, somepony needs to learn to keep the drama on the stage," Discord comments, earning a disapproving glance from Fluttershy.

"I need to go too, sorry," AJ says sadly. "This was fun, though. We should all get together again soon." With that, she pushes up her hat and trots out the door.

"We should probably get going too, Discord. It's getting late, and I still need to clean the house and fluff Angel's tail, not to mention feed all of the other animals." Fluttershy looks up at the draconequus and offers her hoof, which Discord gladly takes. Waving with her free hand, Fluttershy walks out the door with Discord.

"Awww," Pinkie coos. "That's so adorable."

"More like gross! Don't you guys remember when he was our enemy? Yuck!" Rainbow makes a face.

Pinkie blinks up at the rainbow mare sweetly. "Come on, Dashie, can't you just appreciate love? Besides, we all know that you have a crush on Soarin, so we know that you've fallen in love before too."

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