Never Lose Faith

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Chapter Thirteen: Never Lose Faith

All right guys, this is it. Get ready for the your (hopefully) amazing ending to Crossing World. No matter what,  I promise to TRY to make a second season. Just saying. But without further ado, let us all celebrate and enjoy chapter thirteen.

A sharp pain in your back jolts you awake. You tense up in angst and pain, not daring to attempt to move your body one inch. However, you manage to open your eyes and look around. The room is dark, and it takes a moment for your [E/C] eyes to adjust. As soon as your surroundings become visible, you see shadows of your five pony friends all tied to chairs. Your senses suddenly snap into defense mode and, ignoring the gut-wrenching pain, you try to flap your wings, only to find them tied too.

"Twilight," you croak, finally finding your hoarse voice. "Fluttershy? Applejack? Somepony...!" Tears fall from your eyes as terror overwhelms you. You begin to recount the memories of Discord's mental breakdown, the explosion, and those red wings hovering above you.

"I'm here," a voice finally answers. Twilight slowly lifts her purple head to look at you. "Are you ok, [Y/N]?"

"I think I might've done something to my back," you whisper strenuously. "What about you and the others? Wait, where's Spike and Discord?"

"I'm here," a familiar rainbow mare says. Before, it hadn't really registered in your mind that Rainbow Dash was with you, but now you realize that the pegasus had been captured before you.

"Ok, if you're here, say 'aye,'" you command, raising your voice as much as you can. "Fluttershy."

"I'm here..." You look over to one of the room's corners to see Fluttershy crying softly to herself. Your heart breaks for her, since you understand her fears for herself and her friends.

You look around for the remaining ponies. "Rarity? Applejack?"

"Present and accounted for," a voice with a posh accent says quietly.

"I'm ok, I guess," Applejacks grunts, struggling to look over at you.

"Pinkie Pie?" you call. Your ears perk as no reply is heard. "Pinkie? Are you there? Please answer!" Still no answer.

"Perhaps she escaped," Rarity suggests.

"I hope so, for her sake," Twilight murmurs darkly.

"Wh-where's Discord?" Fluttershy asks nervously, as if she just realized that he was missing.

"I haven't seen Discord or Spike..." You grimace, pondering the situation at hand.

"What is it that he was sayin' right before the...explosion?" Applejack questions. "He looked mighty scared...I think he knew what was gonna happen."

"He said that the identity of the Red Hornets' leader was obvious..." Twilight echoes.

You sit in the rigid chair, your mind hard at work as you try to figure everything out. Red wings...obvious...what, it couldn't be, could it?

"You ok, sugarcube?" AJ asks you.

You open your jaws hesitantly. "I...I think I know who the leader of the Red Hornets is..."

"Indeed you do," a raspy voice cackles. The mere sound is enough to cause a shiver to run through your body. You keep your head facing down against the metallic voice. Suddenly, her dark hoof appears under your chin, tilting your head up forcefully to face her. "It's rude to not look somepony in the eye when they're speaking to you." You slowly raise your eyes to look at Reptantis. "That's better," she purrs, dropping her hoof roughly.

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