Fashion Victims

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Chapter Nine: Fashion Victims

Well, it's finally here! I'm so sorry this took so long, I've been of having a Once Upon a Time season 2 marathon on Netflix. Heh, that's a fun word. Marathon...mare...a...thon...I could totally incorporate that into Crossing Worlds. Anyways, see you later and enjoy!

You yawn softly, slowly walking over to the small tree balcony. Your head feels heavy, but you open the double doors and stick your head outside anyways and look out at Ponyville, you give a small gasp. The trees arenow different shades of yellow, orange, and red. You've seen the leaves change before, but never on Earth was it so beautiful, so colorful.

"It's very pretty, isn't it?" Twilight walks up behind you and you walk farther out onto the balcony to make room. Your jaws are still hanging open in awe as a crisp fall breeze flows through your mane. Twilight smiles at you. "If you like this, you're going to love winter in Equestria." Suddenly, Twilight gasps and looks at you in a panic. "Rarity's Fall Fashion Show! Oh Celestia, I almost forgot...she wants me to model a new dress, but the princesses need me to come to Canterlot to greet the royal visitors from the Griffon Kingdom. Oh, Rarity will kill me..." She bites her lip in frustration and angst.

You tilt your head thoughtfully. "Well, do you think that she would let me fill in for you? After all, I'm a member of the group now and she's made dresses for me before." As you finish speaking, your sister's eyes dart towards the ground uncertainly.

"I...I don't know...I mean, it's fine by me, but you would have to ask Rarity, it's her show." You smile and do a hoof pump.

"Yes! I'll go see her right now!" You trot back inside happily. "She will so totally let me do this!"

"No, no, no, no! I simply cannot let you take Twilight's place, [Y/N]!" Rarity is busy grabbing pins from a pin cushion and sticking them into Pinkie's dress for the show. Meanwhile, Pinkie shuffles around as Rarity fits the dress perfectly, obviously anxious to move around again.

Your ears droop sadly. "But, Rarity..."

"But nothing! I apologize, but I cannot allow it. Now, go on! I need concentration if I want to get Pinkie's dress just right." As you look up at Pinkie, you see her physically shaking with the urge to talk. Rarity looks at her disapprovingly. "Pinkie Pie, not a word, or your entire dress could end up lopsided." Pinkie's lips quiver and she emits a small squeaking noise, but remains quiet for the most part.

You sigh and walk outside, your [B/C] ears still flat against your head. "This sucks," you mutter, kicking a small stone as you walk the short distance home. Once you get to the hollow tree, you open the wooden door to find Twilight anxiously adjusting her schedule for October.

"Well, you were-"

"Hush! No talking!" your sister interrupts, not looking up from her planning. You tap your hoof impatiently as she makes all of the needed adjustments. She finally looks back up at you, slightly irritated. "Now, what is it you wanted to talk about again?" Before you can speak, Spike walks downstairs with a bowl of popcorn and looks you up and down.

"Well, you don't look as happy as when you left," he comments, winning an annoyed glance from you.

"I said, it looks like you were right, Twi. She doesn't want me to be in her show." Your frustration turns to sadness when you say this. With a sigh, you slump down against the wall. Spike comes up and pats you on the back consolingly.

"Don't be sad, [Y/N]. I'm sure Rarity has a perfectly good reason for not wanting you in her show. I mean, it probably has nothing to do with the fact that you're still new and it couldn't be that you're not cool enough or pretty enough or-" Before he can continue, Twilight lifts him up by the tail with her magic.

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