The War Begins

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Chapter Twelve: The War Begins

All right, here it is, the moment you've all been waiting for...the season finale of Crossing Worlds! Yay. I'm going to make this finale a two-parter, though. Also...I'm in New York! It's so pretty right now in the fall and I especially love it because I'm from Florida (aka the State of No Seasons Except Summer) and I never get to see leaves change before. So, yeah. Pretty cool stuff. Also, we're almost to the twenty favorite minimum that I recently established! If just four more people click the favorite button for my story, I will be able to guarantee a second season. So get reading and don't forget to review and favorite!

"That was brilliant!" You look up at Rarity as she runs to hug you, causing small creases to appear in your special dress. "Everypony loved you, not to mention your dress! Can you believe the show sold out?" She squeals excitedly. "I knew this clothing line would be a success, I just knew it!"

You smile, still a bit shaken from walking down the runway. You play back the scene in your mind, of you prancing nervously down the runway in your pink and purple dress as the cameras all around you flashed on and off like a sea of bright lights. "Thank you, Rarity, for everything. This was just like I dreamed."

She smiles sweetly. "Oh, you're so welcome, [Y/N]. It was my pleasure to do all of this for you. I suppose that I should also thank you for that picnic you and Fluttershy surprised me with. The sandwiches were especially tasty, too."

"It was no problem," you assure her happily.

"Great performance, [Y/N]!" You turn around to see Twilight and the other four girls trotting towards you and Rarity, also accompanied by Spike and Discord.

Pinkie grins and nods quickly. "Yeah, yeah, first you were all like, oh..." She does a nervous pose. "But then you were all like, whoo!" She holds up her head and pretends to strut down a runway. "And then, you struck awesome poses like whoosh, swoosh, yeah!" She quickly moves from one cool pose to the next, ending with her arms crossed coolly.

Everypony giggles and you smile happily at everypony. "I'm just so happy that everything turned out so perfectly. It feels like everything is right in the world right now, and I'm just glad that I can enjoy the peacefulness with all of my friends."

Twilight walks up to you and wraps you in a tight hug. "I agree, sis. Now, come on, let's go grab some cupcakes at Sugarcube Corner to celebrate." You nod and everypony else murmurs in agreement. Twilight leads everypony out of the town square where your fashion show had been held and towards the tasty-looking building. As you walk through the large doors, the scent of frosting-filled treats fills your nostrils and you inhale deeply.

"Oh, hello everypony." Mrs. Cake looks up from behind the bakery counter. "What can I do for you all today?"

Twilight speaks first. "We'll take seven cupcakes, please."

Spike stands up on his toes to look over the counter. "And I'll have a ruby cupcake."

Discord raises his hand. "Ooh, ooh, and I'll have some cotton candy!"

"Don't forget to add extra dallops of whipped cream!" Pinkie adds loudly.

Mrs. Cake grins sweetly, the way a cheery older woman would smile at younger ones. "All righty, I'll have those ready in a jiffy!"

Everypony in your group of friends gradually moves towards a table and sits as they chat. You, however, remain silent. As you take your seat between Twilight and Rarity, your attention strays to the big bakery window. Your friends' voices begin to fade as you watch the sky darken ominously, your ear twitching apprehensively.

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