Chapter 12

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Sam's POV

I turn around slowly, looking at Grace in disbelief. Tears brim her eyes as she stands as well, taking small steps towards me.

"I remember meeting you at your birthday party, me giving birth to Ellie, you finding me in California, us coming here as a family, Tyson... Everything." She says softly. With each word she got closer until I could feel her body heat.

"I remember everything Sam..." She whispers while reaching up to hold me cheek. I look down at her, shock still running through my veins, and pull her closer to me.

Not wasting another second, I lean down and kiss her. She kisses back and this time I feel our bond come together, all her emotions are a jumbled mess in my brain. She breaks away, staring at me with tears falling down her cheeks.

"I love you so much Sam," She whispers as she plays with my hair. I shiver under her touch and take a deep breath, not wanting to leave this moment.

"Grace Hillary Nickens will you marry me?" I breathe out, not caring how abrupt it was. It was a spontaneous idea that just popped into my head and I thought, 'why the hell not!'

"What?" She says in surprise. I laugh lightly and get down on one knee, taking both her hands in mine, and looking back up at Grace.

"Grace Hillary Nicken, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?" I ask.


Grace's POV

I stare down at Sam, not knowing how to get the words out. It was just so sudden and also with getting my memory back.

"Y-yes. Yes! Yes of course! Of course I'll marry you!" I say with excitement. He smiles before spinning me in the air and kissing me with so much passion that my insides felt like they were melting.

We break apart from the sound of yelling and whistling. I turn towards the door to see all of my family and friends smiling at us and giving Sam a thumbs up.

"Mommy!" Ellie yells before runnign towards me.

"Oh my princess!" I sigh, picking her up and holding her close to me.

"I missed you mommy," She says sadly.

"I know hunny, Mommy missed you too." I reply before kissing her head and resting her on my hip.

"Congradulations bestie!" Tessa siles before giving me and Ellie a hug.

"Thank you Tess! Hey, when are you an Jeremy tying the knot?" I ask looking at her with my eyebrows furrowed.

"We were thinking around the time after Sterling's first birthday, just so that he can be old enough to be apart of the wedding and everything," She shrugs, looking over to Jeremy holding their son while talking to Sam.

"Hey congrats Gracie," Heidi says softly, coming up from behind me.

"Oh Heidi! Thank you so much!" I say embracing her in a tight hug.

"Your my friend now, I didnt want to lose you," She whispers before pulling apart. I give her smile and go over to hug my brother and Blake.

"Sorry to interrupt but may I speak to Sam and Grace for a moment?" Fred asks as he pokes his head into my room.

"Oh yeah of course..." I say before smiling at everyone as they leave.

"We'll meet you at home!" My mom smiles before giving one last wave. I wave back before going back over to my bed and carefully sitting down.

"Ellie can stay right?" I ask as she snuggles into my side.

He nods before looking at his chart and then across to Sam, who is sitting next to me. Sam nods before squeezing my hand and giving me a soft smile.

"So Grace it seems as though your wound should be healed in no time, barely missed your rib which is good but you will be a little sore for the next few days." He says as I nod, "Also... it appears that you are 5 weeks pregnant."

I nod again not really paying attention until my brain finally registers and my eyes bulge.

"I-I'm pregnant?!" I say in disbelif.

"Mhmm, 5 weeks and 3 days to be exact. I've prescribed you some prenatal vitamins and have scheduled for an appointment in two weeks." He smiles. I smile back and look to Sam who has the brightest smile I've ever seen. I lean up and kiss him lightly before wiping my eyes as my tears begin to fall again.

"Im pregnant?!" I ask again in disbelief. They both nod as Sam leans over the bed to kiss me and Ellie on the head.

"Guess what Ellie?" I tell her excitedly.

"What momma?!" She smiles getting excited.

"Your gonna be a big sister..." I smile touching my stomach.

"Big sister?" She asks while cocking her head to the side confused. I laugh at her cuteness and nod.

"Where's my baby?" She asks looking around.

"In mommy's tummy, princess," Sam says laying his hand over mine. I smile up at him and watch as Ellie looks at my stomach confused.

"Your tummy? Did you eat my baby?" She asks again poking my stomach. We both laugh at how cute she is before explaining.

"No, no, no silly! The baby has to grow in mommy's tummy before he or she can come out." I say while softly rubbing my thumb on the back of Sam's hand.

She continues to stare intently before nodding and resting her tiny head on my stomach.

"Come out my baby! I want to meet you!!" She squeals before kissing my stomach and going back to laying down, using my stomach as a pillow.

I smile up at Sam and give him one more kiss before scootig over a little, trying my best not to move Ellie, to make room for Sam. He slides in next to me as I rest my head on his chest.

These are the moments I live for... and I cant wait to have another bundle of joy to add to our growing family and pack.


Lol rereading these chapters make me cringe😁😝 Cant wait to edit and revise once its done though!!

Hope you enjoy!!!


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