Chapter 9

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Grace's POV

I stand on the front porch with a sleepy Ellie in my arms, watching all the pack warriors pack up the trucks.

"Momma... whats going on?" Ellie says quietly, lifting her head from my shoulder and rubbing her eyes.

"Daddy and all those tough guys are going to go fight the bad guys..." I reply softtly and kiss her forehead.

I look down and see her eyes begin to water and her lip quiver.

"H-H-He's leaving again?" She hiccups before a tear trails slowly down her chubby cheek.

"Oh baby no!" I say wide-eyed, pressing her face into my neck and rubbing her back. I placate her tiny body, trying to sooth her as I feel her little sobs.

Tears of my own begin to form as I continue to soothe Ellie. My gaze goes to the ground in hopes of forgetting that Sam is leaving us. I know the first time was on me, but this doesn't make it any less harder. If anything... us being together makes it harder.

"Hey we are almost-... Hey, whats wrong?" Sam says from behind me before I feel his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into his hard chest.

I didn't realize I had been crying until I turn around in his arms and sob into his chest.

"Daddy why are you leaving me again?" Ellie sobs. I pull away from Sam and wipe Ellie's little face.

"Daddy will come back, he is so strong Ellie. You know how I said Daddy was far away? But he still loved you soo much?" I ask her, she nods slowly. "Daddy is so strong that every time he needs to go, his love for you will always lead back home. Right to you." I kiss her nose smiling and look up at Sam with a watery smile.

He smiles back and kisses my forehead before bending slightly to kiss Ellie's forehead. She giggles and throws her arms around his neck while her legs stay wrapped tightly around my waist.

I laugh and remove her legs from my waist. She swings her legs around Sam and squeezes with all her little strength.

"I love you Daddy!" She lifts her head and kisses his cheek in which he laughs and attacks her face in kisses.

"I love you so much Princess," He strokes her hair and kisses her head one last time.

She walks back inside with a tired and sad Tessa who gives me a watery smile of her own. I look out to one of the trucks to see Jeremy leaning against the truck with his head in his hands.

"Your gonna find this bastard right?" I said becoming angry. This pyscho is causing so much pain and we don't even know who the hell he is!

"Of course... He threatened my family." Sam says as black starts to slowly creeps its way into his eyes.

I caress his cheek softly, in which he closes his eyes and leans further into my touch. He opens his eyes and wraps his larger hand around mine, leaving my hand against his warm cheek.

"Come back to me okay?" I whisper softly.

"Always... The rougue pack was spotted in the territory over so it shouldnt take long to find them now," He replies with a soft smile. I nod and wrap my arms around his neck, closing my eyes and burying my face into his neck.

I inhale his hevenly scent and squeeze.

"I love you Grace," I hear him muffle into my hair.

"I love you too," my voice croaks, trying to surpress a sob.

I let go with tears brimming my eyes. Giving him one last teary smile, I step back and begin to walk inside before he grabs my wrist and spins me around, crashing his lips against mine.

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