Chapter 6

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Grace's POV

I wake up to someone gently moving my body. Yawning, I stretch quickly and open my eyes to see Sam retreating to the bathroom.

I smile at the memories of last nights events and look down on the side of the bed to grab my robe. Wrapping it around my body as I stand, I go over to my dresser to grab some clothes.

"Sorry did I wake you?" Sam whispers as he wraps his arms around me. He leans his head on my shoulder and kisses my cheek.

"Its okay. I had to get up sometime..." I laugh looking over to the clock to see its 9:45, "Ellie usually has me up at 6:30."

He laughs and kisses my head before stroking the mark on my neck. I look into our reflection and really take notice of the beautiful design. Its Sam's beautiful black wolf and my silver one howling at the moon. I smile at the mark before it shimmers and fades into my skin.

I can will it to appear and disappear whenever I want. At pack events I have to show it off which I don't mind at all.

"Its beautiful..." I smile. He nods and kisses my head one last time before walking back to his room to get ready.

I watch his shirtless back leave my room as I close the door behind him. I walk back into the bathroom and hop into the shower letting the warm water relax my muscles.

After washing my hair and body, I step out wrapping myself in one of the fluffy towels. I walk over to my dresser and pull out some distressed high waisted shorts and a white flowy crop top.

I changed quickly and blow dried my hair and do my makeup before walking out of my room and down the stairs.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Ellie squeled before jumping into my arms.

"Hey munchkin!" I laugh and kiss her cheeks. She giggles in my arms before I set her down and she runs back over to her toys.

"Hey Gracie..." Ryan smirks at me from the couch.

"Hey Ryan...?" I smile with confusion before sitting on the opposite couch.

"You did the nasty didnt you?" He laughs before wiggling his eyebrows at me.

My eyes go wide and I scoff before throwing a pillow at him. It hits him right in the face but he doesnt mind since he is too busy laughing.

I smile and sink into the couch as my cheeks flare with embarrasment.

"Those walls may be sound proof but that doesnt change the fact that I know hormonal teenagers when I see them..." He raises his eyebrow at me with a knowing look.

"Hey Im almost 20!" I chuckle and throw another pillow at him.

"So violent!" He says before blocking the pillow with ease,"Your parents should have named you violent instead of Grace!" He chuckles again.

I shake my head with a laugh as Sam walks in with wet hair.

"What are you two saying about violence?" He says with a laugh.

"She should've been named violence instead of Grace! She has an issue with throwing pillows at me!" He pouts before sticking his tongue out at me.

"Yeah, yeah!" He waves him off before flopping next to me. "By the way, Tessa and Jeremy are bringing the baby home today and he said your parents are going to stop by." Sam says nervously.

"Oh yay! I cant wait to see my little nephew!" I squeal happily.
After watching two disney movies and kicking Ryan's ass at Mario Kart, Tessa and Jeremy finally arrived back at the pack house with little baby Sterling.

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