Chapter 18

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Grace's POV *4 1/2 months*

My eyes slowly open as a hand rubs up and down my swollen belly. I sigh and turn to my other side to look at Sam.

"Good morning," I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Good morning," He replies in a raspy voice.

"Oh and good morning Noah," I giggle as he kicks where Sam's hand is.

"I can't wait til he is here," Sam smiles. I smile as well and lean my chin up to kiss him. He kisses me slowly before kissing down my neck.

"Sam..." I say in a warning tone.

"Yes my love?" He asks innocently before moving to kiss behind my ear.

"You better stop, Ellie is going to come running in here any minute," I say as my eyes flutter shut.

As if on que the door bursts open and Ellie comes running in.

"Ellie come here!" Jeremy yells as he runs in after her.

"Mommy! Mommy!!" Ellie giggles as she struggles to jump on the bed.

Sam laughs and lifts her up onto our bed and sets her down on his stomach.

"Hey guys..." Jeremy says awkwardly and waves. "Ellie I told you to let them sleep. Now if you want to eat your breakfast that would be great." He says sarcastically while folding his arms.

"But I want my mommy and daddy," She huffs and lays down on Sam's chest. He cuddles her close and kisses the top of her head.

"Its okay Jeremy, thank you though," I laugh and struggle to sit up. "Could you actually bring us some breakfast?" I smile innocently.

He narrows his eyes at me before sighing and nodding.

"Thanks big brother!!" I yell back as he mumbles stuff.

"Mommy when is my baby going to be here?" Ellie asks and shifts her little head towards me.

"Only a few more weeks." I smile and caress her little cheek. She giggles and hides her face in Sam's chest again.

I sigh and swing my legs off the bed to go to the bathroom. As I stand a sharp pain runs through my lower back making me suck in a sharp breathe.

"Honey you okay?" Sam asks from behind me.

"Ya I'm fine, I just can't wait to get this little guy out of me," I chuckle a bit and take a step forward.

Another pain ripples through my lower back and around towards my stomach. I gasp and stagger a moment before my hand finds the bed post.

"Grace!" Sam yells and is in front of me in a second. "Gracie whats wrong?" He asks quietly while looking over me for any injuries.

"I-I don't know, there is a sharp pain that goes from my lower back to my stomach." I cringe as the pain returns and stays as a constant throb.

"Do you want to go to the doctor? Is it the baby?" He asks, concern swirling in his eyes.

I bite my lip and ponder the thought. Rubbing my belly I feel my head nod as the pain doesn't subside.

He nods and picks me up setting me gently back in bed. A moment later Jeremy comes in with a plate of food, but stops as a frown makes its way onto his face.

"Gracie? What's wrong?" He asks and sets the tray down on the couch before coming over to my side of the bed.

"I don't know it just hurts," I say and squeeze my eyes shut again.

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