chapter 2 ( the meeting)

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He was in a straight jacket chained to a chair. As I walked in he was laughing a weird maniac laugh. What could make a man so happy. I had my notepad just in case even though this was a meet and greet. He was still covered in face paint and had on a green and purple suit. He had a smile drawn on his face with jet red lip color. He was laughing until I wanted the room. He then stopped and starred at me for a moment.
He sniffed the air and stared at me " you smell like a ball of nerves doll face!" He then began to laugh again but louder and harder. The officers walked up next to him and stood between us.

"That is all officers. I can handle this today. I will knock if I need you." He nodded and left the room.
The joker starred at me and it kind of scared me. I felt like he was inside my soul in a weird way. "I am doctor Harleen Quinzel." I said smiling.

He looked at me for a moment. "Call me the joker doll face." He began to laugh again.

"Okay mister joker. I am here for a quick meet up but is there anything you want to tell me?" I smiled.

"For one you aren't leaving anytime soon ms. Har-leeeen" He smiled and it scared me a bit.

"It is Harleen." I snap "I do however have one question for you mister joker. Why are you. You?" He cringes at the words.

" I am me because I am honey everyone else is taken but you are not you, are you?" He smiled a smile that matched the make up.

"My name is Harleen" I say pounding my hand on the table. "And I am me." I didn't really understand why his statement got to me so bad.

"Your not you at you" he slammed his hand on the counter " you haven't been you. Your scared. Scared of reactions. Do I sound scared of reactions Harleen?"

He was almost sweating "I am myself. It was nice to meet you joker but I must leave now." When I left the room i felt like the air was replaced with regular air. I could feel my self sweating. As I made my way back to my office I dazed a bit.

All I could this about is how he was right about me? Was I really me? Or was I my mother perfect version of me. It brought me back to that night. The night I decided that my mother was right. It was time to put away childish things. It was time to grow up.
The night after my parents picked me up from school was horrible. I had actually left it a blur in my brain. Only pieces come back to me to this day.
I remember waking up to my parents fighting about my school. Dad said I couldn't go back that I was to childish, not ready, to dazed to be trusted. My mother would scream in at times. But all of a sudden a smash and crash cane from the kitchen. Screams were heard and I made my way running back up the stairs. I hid under the cabinet in the upstairs hall way. I was very frail and I could see through the glass but it was one way. The dark figure ran up the stairs and into my little sister's room.. She ran into the hall way and he grabbed her and drug her down the stairs. I imediantly jumped from the cabinet and started after the figure I ran down the stairs and he threw my sister against the wall. He starred me in the face but that made no difference I was not scared. He tied my sister up with my parents. And tied me to a chair in front of them. He told me to choose one of my family members to die first.. I refused and he continued to say it for hours on end. And when he screamed the last time I screamed all of them! And closed my eyes..he killed them..I killed them. I killed my parents I don't know why I said all of them.. I can't remember what I was thinking.

"HARLEEN!!" I shook my head. I looked up to see my boss wearing a coat. "The power is out and all roads closed. Here are some blankets. You can stay the night here." With that she was off to the next room. I looked out the window seeing it was night and all the roads were covered in a blanket of snow. I rubbed my eyes and se the blankets on the couch. I read more of the jokers files over and over case after case after case before passing out..
***3 in the morning***
I woke up from a deep sleep hearing a noise in the ham outside my door. Nothing is scarier then being in the asylum at night. I rolled and stared at the wall and closed my eyes "your jsut hearing things harl." I said quietly.

"Yes harl. Your hearing things." Mocked a voice from right behind me. My Boyd lay lifeless for a moment as I felt my heart travel quicker and quicker. I slowly turned around to see a dark shadow.

"Whoooo are you..." I said. It shifted and moved nearer.

I could see now him standing in the moon light it was Mr. Joker.. I got scared and moved against the couch wall pushing like it would give way. He sat in the small edge not covered with my head. He patted his knee and I obeyed by putting my head on it. I know he could feel my fear because be began to Stoke my hair. "Don't be so scared harl. I would never hurt you."
I actually felt more comforted then scared. I looked into his eye and I felt changed.. Different. His touch made me feel safe.

"So Harleen Quinzel. That sure it a special name." He said smiling down at my face with his messy green hair. "Maybe it should be smaller sweeter like Harley Quinn." He said stroking my hair again.

I wanted to scream for the guards and tell him my name was Harleen Quinzel but u couldn't... I couldn't move, but I didn't want to. Being in his arms. It was comforting me.

"Why Harley Quinn?"

"Why not, Harley Quinn it sounds just about right for girl like you. Why what do your friends call you?" He said.

I moved my arm and put it over my hair smoothing it down making him release my hair. "I don't have friends" I exhaled and looked at him.

"You do now miss Harley Quinn. Wait honey" he started laughing pulling my head back in his lap. He grabbed my hair again.

"So your going to escape now.." I shook as I spoke I didn't really want him to leave. Which is weird. Something about him made him so.. Interesting to me.

"And leave you?" He said holding my hand now. "We are going to become amazing friends Harley me and you will make a good team." He began to laugh quietly.

We stayed up all night speaking about random things. The way he spoke made me calm again.

"You know why I hate pudding?" He said laughing a bit. "My parents forced me to eat it as a child." He forced a smile again.

"So puddin' is a thing y'a hate." I said imediantly regretting letting out my accent. "I'm sorry..that.. Wasn't suppose to happen."

"I love it" he says as he laughs again. "We are going to be a good team you and me" he smiles.

"It's almost 6 a.m. they are gonna be looking for you.." I said grabbing his hand again pulling it off my hair.

"Your right Harley. I'll see you tomorrow for the appointment." He said standing up. He reached down and kissed my forehead leaving a small red mark. His kiss inflamed my body and I wanted more but before I could ask for another kiss he was gone.

I sat up in the bed and began reading his files. I read them until 7:40 then I got up and put on one of my older suits but it was the only thing that I still actually had clean in my office. I looked into the mirror in my office and wiped off the red kiss he had given me. I prepared for my visit with him later on today.

At 8:30 I walked down the hall and headed to the meeting room and grabbed some coffee. I couldn't focus all day all I kept thinking about the joker all day..

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