chapter 15 (the fixing)

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The men lifted me up by my arms and laid me onto another table. I was going in and out for a bit. Of what I made out we went up a few floors before they went down a few corridors. Then they threw me into another room with another table. I fell to the floor and they lifted up my legs and laid me on this new rooms table. I had never seen this room before. There was a series of lights and machines all over the room. The machines were marked with different labels, most were the hazard symbols.

I began to regain full consciousness when Mrs. Arkham walked over with two fully charged bulbs of electricity. I was going to be shocked. "I'm sorry Harleen. We tried other methods. We are going to fix you now."
She held the bulbs over my face and I flinched in fear. They grabbed my head and strapped me in with a strap that covered the lower chin and upped forehead. One man stuck a rubber belt into my mouth as they began to shock me. I expected the pain and it came just as full force as I thought it would. I found my self thinking about things. Where was my family? Why was I here anyway? No no Harley. You are jokers girlfriend and you love your puddin' don't let them think they can go and break you up like a piece of paper. Your family is dead and you are fine with that. You care not. You don't care and you never will your puddin' is gonna save you.

I opened my eyes and Mrs. Arkham was standing above me. I could feel the shock waves going through my body. I looked her in the face "you can't break me miss priss!"

"I need more power!" She said after the fifth shock.

"But mam that would probably kill her"

"Do it!" She screamed slamjng the table near my body.

I could feel the vibration of the machine struggling to let out the voltage. At this point I could smell my flesh burning and my nose was bleeding as well as my ears. I was going to die just like this. I had already come to this conclusion in the cage but I never expected my self to turn out this way. I went to school so long to become this? To be shocked to death and end up dead at such an age... I never got married or had children. I mean I let go of such dreams a while ago I guess I mean. I can't really remember what happened now.. Everything was a blur. I was a doctor here. Right? It was getting harder to out pictures with faces and things of such nature. What was I really here for? Was I a criminal. No not me right? Oh..I don't truly know anymore. What was going on with me. Everything was beginning to get broken in side. My eyes weren't working like they should. Why was I here. Why couldn't I remember. It was there in my head I know I just can't think of it..I can't...I can't...think I can't think. My brain makes no sence. The smell of flesh was growing and I couldn't think of anything. Where did I go to school? Where was my family and why was I here. Who was I here. Oh no that makes no sence..who that's not the right word. Why why is the word. How do you forget a word? I forgot something so simple and why for who. Who put me here.

"The joker" she said holding down the bulbs. I realized that I had been speaking out loud due to the look in her eyes. Why did she look so sad and who was the joker. I don't remember him.

"Am I sick?"

"Yes, but your getting better.." She said wiping the blood from under my nose.

I looked at her for a while trying to figure out what was going on. Who was the joker and why did he out me here anyway. Did I cross him? Or do something wrong maybe? Nothing truly made sence anymore. I felt like I pondered for hours and hours. I snapped out of the delusion when I felt my body being moved. My head hung as I was carried down flights of stairs and hallways. I could hear other people talking but the words made no sence. I was being take hole maybe? Did I belong home or was this home? I saw guns everywhere. Did I do something wrong? My head was hurting so bad. I couldn't figure out what was right or wrong. Everything seemed to be not making sence. I let my hands fall to the ground by mistake and I felt someone put them back around my chest. I still had made no sence of what was going on.. Everything was still and I felt a cold rush over my body as I was placed back on a ground. Why did I sleep like this? Like an animal.

I sat up letting my head move a bit looking left to right and all around were men and women with guns. I must have done something horrible. The guns were all pointed at and around me. It was a weird feeling. A terrible feeling. I must have been someone horrible. Look at me. I was in a literal giant dog cage. They cage was cold and time was moving slow.

"What is your name?" Said a women.

"Harleen...I think" I said back. A smile grew on her face and she looked delighted. She looked at me like she fixed me or something...

Before I could make out anything else I heard very loud gun shots. All six doors leading to the room around my cage opened and men wearing green suits ran in and began shooting all around Me. All the men were falling like flies. I pulled the hammock thing off the bars and hid underneath it. I close my eyes and held my breath tight so no one would see me. I heard the shots stop for a moment and chattering was going on.

"Is that her?" A voice said.

The cage door slowly opened a moment later and a hand rested on my back.

I shot up like I was a firework and threw my back against the wall "please don't touch me..pelase whatever you want I don't have anything valuable. Please stop." I was shaking and mg eyes were burning. I could feel the blood rushing out of my ears and my nose as well as my mouth. The man was wearing a purple suit and looked familiar but I couldn't figure out where I knew him from.

He reached for me again and I began to scream as loud as I could. He grabbed my mouth and out me on his lap on the ground. I bit his hand and ran back to the corner. "Please stop"

"I'm sorry I took so long...what have they don't to you.." The man said forcing a smile. " you remember me?"

That word pumpkin. Where did I hear it before. I began to have flash backs of random moments with that being said and everything flew back into me like a roaring sword. It was my puddin'!

"PUDDIN'" I screamed. "How could I have forgotten you.." I jumped into his lap and he lifted me up for the ground wiping the blood from my face.

"I guess we both have battle scars now." He said looking at the blood in his hands. "I'm sorry I took so long!" He screamed letting out a laugh bigger then life. I closed my eyes feeling safe in his arms. I will never forget my baby every again.

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