Chapter Eight

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The Halloween feast was a big deal at Hogwarts. It was a time where people, no matter the house, could sit down together and celebrate.... Although about 80% of the Slytherins stayed segregated from the rest of the house. No one seemed to mind though.

As usual, the castle was decorated profusely with pumpkins, candles, the world. Although pumpkin was incorporated in some of the foods, they were labeled and set aside from the other platters. Apparently a while ago some first year had an allergic reaction to pumpkin.

Olive was sitting with Cho, Nat, and Cedric at the Hufflepuff table, listening to her cousin and best friend flirt with each other innocently, both to shy to officially initiate the first move.

"You'd think these two have never spoke to the opposite gender before." Nat whispered to Olive- who nodded her head in agreement.

"I wish they would just admit their feelings to each other." The Lark girl sighed, moving her green beans around her plate aimlessly.

"It's quite obvious they like each other." Nat observed, looking over across the table to somewhere else in the hall. Olive quirked a brow as she drummed her free hand on her lap, shoveling the green beans in her mouth, watching as her best friend turned red in the face.

"It's obvious you have your eyes out for someone too." Olive mused, "Do tell."

Focusing her attention back on Ollie, Natalie sighed, shaking her head so her blonde locks fell into her face.

"It's no one..." She trailed off, only to be nudged by the shy girl.

"Obviously not. Come on, Nat, who is he? Or she? Or even-"

"Ollie, Ollie, Ollie, you've had one too many sugar quills today, haven't you? And... It's no one in particular that you'd know." She smiled, "We just started exchanging a few words, is all."

With a skeptical glance, Olive swiveled her head in the direction Nat was looking, scanning the area for the culprit of causing her to blush. As she moved her eyes over to the Ravenclaw table to where they usually sat, she found who she was looking for.

"Jasper Quell? The one who got into a duel third year and lost his eyebrows?" Ollie questioned, waggling her brows at Natalie.

"Yes, I know, yell at me... But he's changed a lot in the last two years." She defended, sending a small smile back at Jasper.

"Like what?"

"He grew back his eyebrows."

Ollie just face palmed herself, shaking her head as a chuckle escaped her lips. Jasper Quell was a fifth year Ravenclaw with Ollie and Nat. He wasn't the most popular kid, but he was a complete dork. Olive never thought that Nat would have interests in someone like him, but then again, Nat does what she wants.

"Great. Now I'm forever alone. Thanks, Nat." Ollie said hopelessly. She and Nat always jokingly planned to be forever alone with each other and have a kneazle rescue organization. Of course, the idea was incredibly out there, but the aspect of being friends for a very long time was pleasing to Olive. That was the only part she liked about the stupid idea.

"Hey, I never said I was gonna marry the guy. Just... I don't know, give him a chance? Jasper's a total sweetheart." Natalie explained, as she bit into a dinner roll. Ollie raised her eyebrows at her friend, and shook her head with a playful smile.

"Then go talk to him. He's still looking right at you."


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