Chapter Twenty-Six

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The morning of the Quidditch final was full of nerves and tension, even in those who weren't even playing. Olive was nervous for Gryffindor- a team who hasn't won the Quidditch Cup in years.

Obviously she was supporting them.

"What are you even wearing to this thing?" Nat asked, tying her blonde locks into a ponytail in their dorm. Olive was tying her tennis shoes, her curly locks braided back for the windy day.

"I don't have anything red or gold." She shrugged, "I'm just there to support the team."

"Why don't you ask the twins?" Cho asked, wagging her eyebrows at Olive as she exited the bathroom, "After all, why else would you support Gryffindor?"

"Because everyone on the Slytherin team are a bunch of cheating pricks." Olive declared, "What team are you supporting?"

"Gryffindor. Obviously. I'm not stupid." Cho shrugged, "But you know... I was just curious."

Olive hid the tinge of pink on her cheeks as she grabbed her bag from the foot of her bed, "There's nothing to be curious about." She shrugged, "The only reason I've been talking to them is because of how they helped me out with the whole Ingrid situation."

Before Nat could open her mouth to say something about either of the twins, Olive sent the blonde a look.

"Let's just go to breakfast, okay?" Cho offered, sensing the friendly tension between the friends. Olive nodded, fiddling with the hem of her jumper as they exited the dormitories as a group.

Ollie was glad to be back with her friends exactly how it used to be. She hated avoiding them, and hated herself even more for doing it. Natalie and Cho both understood Olive- they've known her their entire time at Hogwarts. They understood her social anxiety almost as much as Missy did.

Almost all the students at Hogwarts were filled with excitement, nerves, and tension due to the Quidditch Final. Even teachers chattered amongst themselves, siding with either McGonagall or Snape at the teacher's table at breakfast. (Though, more people wished Professor McGonagall good luck more than Snape).

As she ate breakfast quietly, listening to the rapid chatter of Natalie and Cho with an amused expression, she couldn't help but let her gaze wander towards the end of the Gryffindor table. The Quidditch team sat together, away from everyone else, clad in their Quidditch robes. She couldn't help but notice they all looked so nervous.

Then, casually, she glanced over to the Slytherin table, where their Quidditch team sat, and her jaw went slack.

Flint had replaced almost every Quidditch player, save for Draco Malfoy and Ingrid, with the biggest and most brutal Slytherins he could find. Olive wasn't even sure if any of them had even played Quidditch before!

"I'll be right back." Olive said quickly, getting up from the Ravenclaw table to make her way over to her red and gold clad friends. That whole side of the table was silent, save for quiet chatter or the scraping of forks as they moved around untouched plates of food in nervous circles.

Shyly, Olive approached the table, taking a seat on the end. Fred was nowhere to be seen, which was quite unusual for him. George, however, sat by himself, looking down at his plate deep in thought.

"Staring at your breakfast won't make it disappear." She said, quiet enough so only he could hear. George perked his head up, a small smile twitching the ends of his lips upwards as he saw Olive across from her.

"I vaguely remember saying that to you once." He smirked, "I now understand how annoying it was."

"You look nervous." She observed.

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