Chapter Eighteen

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"Fred, I'm telling you, this can't fail. When they all rush in for the feast- boom! Their eyebrows will say 'Gryffindor for the Win!'" George exclaimed.

"No one can mess this up... it's too good!" Fred cried happily, clapping his hands together.

They quickly set up the prank, setting trip wires and motion-activating charms, and other little spells and tricks that'll make the prank work. The twins took extra caution setting things up- making sure that everything was black-cat proof.

"Where's Olive? Isn't she supposed to be helping us with this?" Fred asked, pausing to look around for their shy Ravenclaw friend.

"No- I told her to come to supper a little late, so she wouldn't run into this." George shrugged.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because she's helping us, Fred, it's the least we could do."

"If she's helping us- then shouldn't she be here?"

"Fine- I'll go find her. It's a shame we gave Harry the map, or I could find her a little easier-"


George stopped short in his tracks- coming face to face with the black cat.

The cat stared at them almost carelessly, licking her paws and stretching- as if she was stiff from a nap. Had she been watching them set up the whole time?

"Fred-o, we've got company."

Olive, disguised as the cat, started pacing around George, then Fred when he walked over- and then the two of them.

"You can't mess this one up, cat. We've cat-proofed this entire prank!"

Ollie meowed a little louder, calling someone down the hall. She knew, even when George had willingly explained every detail of the prank, that she'd need help.

Out came Crookshanks, Hermione's cat who was part kneazle (Cat-like creatures that are extremely intelligent), who Ollie was able to communicate with through drawing symbols and pictures with in the snow. Since Olive and Crookshanks were secretly assisting Sirius (who walked around the grounds as a black shaggy dog)- it wasn't hard to convict the ginger cat to help.

"You brought a friend, I see." Fred observed, sharing a look with his twin, "Two cats still won't be enough."


Olive and Crookshanks then took off as they heard kids walking down the hall for supper. They tripped every wire- activated every spell that they saw being put up early. Enchantments were set off, and soon enough, Fred and George were not turning into a Gryffindor-pride mess like they thought.

Instead, George's hair turned dark blue and silver, while Fred's yellow and black. Both of the twins' eyebrows turned Slytherin colors, and their clothes were a mix of the three other houses.

Just in time for the rush of students to walk in.

The black cat walked right in front of the twins, sending them a wink and the flick of her tail. She then disappeared into the crowd as Crookshanks jumped into the arms of a confused Hermione.

"Crookshanks? How did you-"

"That cat's a menace, I'm telling you." Ron shouted in between bursts of laughter as he saw his brothers' prank backfired.

Olive ducked behind a corner, morphing back into herself, before walking to the front of the crowd, brushing her curls from her face.

She raised a brow at the two of them, her arms folded around her notebook as she let a small giggle escape her lips. Olive had to admit, jinxing their prank was the most difficult thing she's ever done. Fred and George don't get enough credit for how smart in Charms they are. Half the Ravenclaws in their year weren't even that good.

As the students' laughter grew louder, even Olive felt her cheeks turn pink. The twin's faces were starting to turn as red as their hair as they stood there, laughing a bit nervously at each other.

The Lark girl took out her wand, and secretly undid the enchantments on the twins. Their hair and eyebrows turned back to its normal ginger, and their clothes changed back to their usual day attire.

"Supper is ready everyone! Keep it moving!" Percy Weasley began shouting- causing the crowd of students to disband. Olive moved past the twins, and sent them a small smile before entering the Great Hall.


Being tackled in a hug, Olive let out a small shout as she was engulfed in a hug from three people.

"How was your Holiday?" Nat asked as she ruffled her raven-haired friend's curls. Olive ducked her head, and quickly headed to the Ravenclaw table where she sat down.

"It was nice." Olive shrugged, "A change."

"You basically spent it with the twins- that must have been fun." Cho smirked, sending Cedric a flirtatious wink to where he sat across from her.

"It was different." Olive looked down at her feet, "You obviously saw me get back at them for the week's worth of pestering."

"That was brilliant." Cedric gave her a high-five, "But don't do anything too embarrassing to them... that would make things different."

Sensing that his kind Hufflepuff nature was coming out- Olive nodded her head, not wanting to make her cousin upset. After all- he was her only cousin.

"I know... just small things... but it is kind of fun." Ollie smirked, her hand clutching the necklace Sirius had given her for Christmas- which had become a small habit of hers.

"Just wait until I tell you what happened over Christmas Break." Natalie said, already giggling from the story she was about to tell. Natalie's holiday stories were always the best.

"We were in the middle of Christmas supper, with my gran who knows nothing about me being a witch... when my baby brother Caden starts hiccuping."

"Hiccuping?" Cho raised a brow.

"Yeah." Nat shrugged, "But get this- he started floating. Floating. Like what I did when I was five when that toad came in through my window."

"So what did your gran do?" Olive asked, stirring her coriander soup with a spoon to help it cool.

"She ran out of the house, praying to God like it was Judgement Day. Didn't come back until two days later with a priest to get rid of... what did she say... 'that demonic poltergeist that has possessed her good Christian grandson'."

"That's too good." Cedric laughed with the shake of his head.

"She'll come around eventually... Gran's always forgetting things too, so it will be like nothing ever happened in a few months." Natalie shrugged, running a hand through her blonde hair.

"Speaking of crazy relatives," Ollie began, "Ced, have you spoken to Missy at all over the Holiday? Or heard from her?"

Cedric nodded his head, "I think the reason why she didn't want you to go home was because she had gotten you a surprise gift."

"A surprise? Like what?" Ollie asked, grabbing her goblet to take a sip of water.

"Well, when we went to visit she was giving this big black shaggy dog a bath."

No one expected Olive to choke and sputter on her water out of pure shock, drenching herself.

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