Chapter Fifty-One

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"Come on, Olls." George grabbed the girl's other hand, and started dragging her down the hall while she was still trying to comprehend exactly what had gone wrong.

"What? Hey!" Olive dug her heels in the ground, "Where- where are we going?"

The younger Weasley twin raised his brows, "Um, the Hospital Wing? Where else?"

The Ravenclaw shook her head, "No, I can try again-"

George looked at the girl like she was crazy, "No. Your fingers are turning white, which means you're probably losing circulation. Besides, doesn't it hurt?"

Ollie nodded, "Yes... very much so."

"Then we're going." George resumed leading Olive to the Hospital Wing, "We'll be in and out in no time."

The Ravenclaw sighed, slumping her shoulders forward as she reluctantly followed George. Their hands were still intertwined, hers getting more tense and clammier the closer they got to the Hospital Wing. She kept her gaze down, her face pale, avoiding eye contact with anybody, including George.

"I... I don't exactly like the Hospital Wing." Olive's voice had gone quiet, stammering over her words, "Do we have to?"

At the change in her tone, George slowed a bit. He turned to the Ravenclaw, studying her nervous features for a moment, before the realization came to his face. He felt like an idiot for forcing her to go to the Hospital Wing, but he also knew that if she wanted to write again she needed to get her hand fixed.

"I forgot." He stopped in his tracks, "Olive, I'm sorry. I forgot about last year-"

"It's fine." Olive gently pulled her hand away, "I... it's stupid, anyways. I just... last time I was here I felt like I was dying."

They stood in silence for a moment. Olive avoided eye contact with George, feeling his eyes on her, burning into her skull. She felt like a child, having a fear of Healers.

George didn't say anything either. What was he supposed to say? He felt like an idiot for forgetting Olive might not be so ecstatic to go to the Hospital Wing, because last time she nearly died. He wanted to apologize, but for one of the first moments in his life, he couldn't speak.

Then, Olive took a deep breath, looking up at George with a nervous yet determined look.

"I'll go, but... will you come in with me?"

The ginger nodded, "Of course."

The Ravenclaw, although still tense, relaxed a bit. She nodded, starting again for the Hospital Wing. Although she was nervous to go back, she knew that she couldn't fix her hand on her own, and Madame Pomfrey would fix it in seconds.

Ollie just had to hope she wouldn't chicken out at the last second.

"Ah, Miss Lark! What brings you in today?" Madame Pomfrey asked, "Come for a check up on your scars?"

Olive self consciously tugged on her collar, shaking her head at the woman.

"No, they're fine." She held up her hand, "I uh... I came about this."

Madame Pomfrey looked at Ollie's hand, furrowing her brows. The Healer motioned for the Ravenclaw to sit down on a bed, and took the girl's hand within her own to inspect it more clearly.

"What happened?" She asked.

Olive looked to George, who stood a little ways away in the doorway. He quirked a brow at her, motioning for the girl to speak, and preferably the truth, about what happened.

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