chapter 9

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Y/n's P.O.V

I walked around the village looking around, trying to ignore the voices. it didn't work. I sat down against a wall and buried my head in my hands.

You killed him, he could have helped you!!

He's going to come for you

Make it stop!!!

"Y/n?" I heard a voice say. I looked up, Fishlegs. I ignored him, my fingers dug into the palms of my hands trying to calm myself, nothing worked.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Do I look okay to you" I hissed. He looked shocked and backed away.

I stood up shakily and walked forward. I tripped and a pair of arms caught me, Fishlegs.

"Get off me" I said before running off quickly.

Why is this happening??

I ran into the woods and tried to go into the depths, where no one can find me. I found a place and sat there staring into the horizon. I heard a noise of wind. I looked to my side, Firestrike.

"What are you doing here boy?" I asked.

He tipped his head at me before laying down next to me and staring into the distance.

You can't stay here

They're gonna kill you

You shouldn't have come here

You should have stayed on outkast island

Shut up!!

How can I end this?

"Y/n!! Is that you?!?" I heard a voice say. I'm gonna ignore them, I don't want to interact with people.

"Y/n. Come on, we need you" the voice which was now Astrid. I stayed put.

"What are you doing, come help, we need you" she said

"I don't belong here" I said. I heard her groan of frustration.

"Y/n. Come on, no more games, snap out of this!!" She pleaded.

"I could have helped them" I said. My family is dead because of me.

"What? Ugh... never mind, y/n please, we have invaders, you are the only one who can fight them off" she said.

"I don't belong here...I need to do something" I said.

"Fine. Suit yourself, Hiccup won't be happy about that" she said.

"Who's Hiccup?" I asked.

"Not important anymore, apparently to you" she said before running off.

Hiccup's P.O.V

I stared at the Beserkian boats draw in closer to the shore line. Everyone was on top of their dragon ready to fight.

I sent Astrid to find y/n, we can't win this without her, her dragon is the fastest and she can fight.

Astrid returned next to me, with no y/n. I looked at her confused.

"Where is she?" I asked

"She wouldn't come. Hiccup, she's gone crazy" she said in a shakily voice.

"I'll go talk to her" I said.

Astrid's P.O.V

"I'll go talk to her" Hiccup said.

"Err..that's not a good idea" I said.

"I love her, Astrid. I need to talk to her" he said before flying off.

My heart sank. He is going to be broken. I tried to stop him, but he flew towards the forest. This is going to break him.

Hiccup's P.O.V

We flew through the forest, trying to find her. Toothless took a sudden turn.

"Toothless, slow down bud, where are you going" I said. I saw Firestrike lying down next to y/n. Who was staring at the horizon. She looked empty inside.

"Y/n. Come on, we need you" I said. She looked at me, with confusion in her eyes.

"The Beserkians are here. Only you can help us win this, c'mon" I said.

"Who are you?" She said in a shakily voice. Did she just- I probably heard her wrong.

"What was that?" I asked gently hoping I heard her wrong.

"Who are you" she asked blankly. She should know who I am. She's probably just got a few things stuck in her mind that it's blocking other people out.

"I'm Hiccup" I said. She gave me a confused look.

"...who?" She asked

"My name is Hiccup. I'm chief of Berk" I said. She gave me a look.

"How do you know my name?" she asked.

"You are part of the gang. So I'd obviously know who you are" I said.

"Do you not remember me?" I asked with a shaky voice. She looked at me for a second.

"No. Should I?" she asked blankly. I shook my head. I've had enough. I got onto toothless and flew back. She's forgotten me...

I got back to the gang. They looked at me oddly. Astrid gave me a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry" she said. I ignored her.

The boats neared us. We flew straight towards them. Shooting at them. I did it extra hard because I was angry. If Dagar was still alive I would have made sure he had a slow painful death.

The fight was chaos. Dragons flying everywhere, some being shot down by bolas. Some ships being blown up. It was crazy. I didn't care what happened to me. I've lost my lover in some way. She was what's keeping me happy and confident, without her, I don't know what to do anymore.

"Hiccup!" I heard a voice say. I turned around and saw my mother.

"What are you doing? Pay attention, we have a fight to win" she said before flying off.

She's right, I need to stop thinking about her, she is what's holding me back. I need to get over her. She is not going to remember me. What did I do to get over Astrid.'s not the same. I liked Astrid, but I love y/n. I hate this. I just need to keep fighting. Toothless flew straight towards a ship and it blew up in flames, some men jumping out. That's what I'll do.

Y/n's P.O.V

The Berkians fought the Beserkians. Explosions going off every few seconds.

Are you going to help them?!?!

I would, but you are the one controlling my mind!!

They're coming for you next

No. They wouldn't kill me, would they?

Yeah, they probably would..

Shut up

Awww look who's getting all mad

I need to to kill my mind, but how?

There is no way to kill your mind, sorry, haha I'm just joking, I'm not sorry, it entertains me to see you go crazy.

How do they know me, I don't remember them??

You were part of their clan, I made you forget. You're welcome

I need to leave, they're gonna come for me, they are going to be disappointed...I need to go

Yeah...that's more like it!

I stood up and Firestrike did the same. I already had my weapons with me. I got onto Firestrike and he shot into the sky.

I didn't know where we were going, but we weren't coming back.

The Night Furys' Revenge (reader x hiccup)Where stories live. Discover now