Chapter 20

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Hiccup's POV

I never thought I would live to see the day. The day that Berk falls. It has survived as a strong and stubborn island for generations, but now its time is up. This is Berk's farewell.

I looked around me and observed the chaos. Buildings were flaming violently, dragons were falling from the sky, warriors were being overthrown and I was in the middle of it. Helping no one. I looked to the left of me and saw the gang looking to me, with expectancy written on their faces. I let out a deep exhale.

"What's your plan, Hiccup?" Astrid asked. 

"There's not much that we can do. Berk is destroyed, people are dying and the dragons are battling the ghoul's dragons. As much as I hate to admit it, this is the end of Berk" I said, my heart aching in my chest.

"Whoa, what? You're giving up? I am no chief but I know the means of being a viking and we never give up" Tuff exclaimed, striking an overly dramatic pose.

"Well, what do you think we should do? We have no dragons!" Fishlegs worried. Everyone looked at Tuff.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" He mumbled. 

"This is no time for playing around, do you have a plan on what we can do?" Snotlout shouted looking at the ghoul.

"Ohhh. Well, we survived without dragons right? So we can do it again without their help" Tuff explained. 

"That is a terrible idea" Astrid stated.

"But it isn't. Astrid, he is right. Berk has survived for centuries without dragons and have fought countless battles. It may not feel that way, but I think we have a chance" I explained. Astrid looked at me before raising a brow.

"And how do you suppose we do that?" She questioned.

"Simple. We fight" I suggested.

"And if we don't succeed?" Fishlegs trembled.

"Well, we will go down protecting our land and people. There is not much we can do after that, but we sure will go down in history for fighting a threat with power that could flatten the earth" I stated.

"But the world already is fl-" Snotlout started.

"No time for discussions. We have an island to save" Astrid said.

Everyone readied their weapons for the upcoming conflict. We lined up, facing the ghoul, who's attention was more focused on a battle between two night furies. 

"It's been an honor battling with you guys" I said.

We all shared a look, preparing ourselves at the same time as saying our farewells. We all faced the ghoul who's attention drew towards us. A grin slithered across her face.

"You want this island? You have to go through us" I ordered. The ghoul smiled wickedly.

"Your island is long gong. There is nothing you can do" The ghoul seethed.

"Alright then, we'll go through you" I muttered. I switched the blade on my sword to the monstrous nightmare flame and charged towards the ghoul, the gang following close behind me. 

I pierced the ghoul with my sword. It looked me in the eye and smiled before grabbing me by the face and throwing me. I hit the ground and slid across the ruined grass. I rolled onto my back and took in a deep breath before shakily regaining my footing.

"Arghhh" Astrid screamed before swinging her axe at the ghoul. The axe went straight through and Astrid was also tossed aside.

I changed my sword to the zippleback setting. I released the gas and surrounded the ghoul with it before lighting the gas with the spark. The explosion rippled through the air and echoed through the island.

The Night Furys' Revenge (reader x hiccup)Where stories live. Discover now