Tethered Hearts

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Tethered Hearts

The author is sumeyaalington

* formally known as Reckless Hearts *

Set in the year 1993


❝Why do you have a tongue piercing?❞ I asked, observing the other piercings he had and the designs inked on his skin. I'd never seen so much work done on one person before. ❝What's the purpose?❞

A playful grin quirked on to his lips, challenging me. ❝Would you rather I tell you or show you its purpose?❞



Let's get one thing straight.

I, Sophia Álvarez, did not intend on having my life shatter into pieces after my 19th birthday.

But really, who ever does?

I was certain I had everything figured out when I walked back on to campus for my sophomore year. That I had everything under control the moment I started my classes. But only moments after entering Lincoln University, I got my ass handed to me by reality. Proving once more, that good luck just wasn't my thing.

If the first hit against my stability wasn't enough, life decided to slam me with an aftershock named Bryce Matthews. Before the incident, I'd only ever heard about him as if he was some kind of mythical creature, lurking the dormitories at night. But once I realized he was the one person who could help me after what happened, I was sure that someone was playing some sick prank on me.

We were both so different. Where he was cold, I was considerate. His bad rep clashed with my own immaculate reputation. In the end, he was the only person that could help me. I was stuck. 


REVIEWER: @KatyDreams

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