The Interview

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*Andy's POV*
"All right guys are we ready to go?" I shout making sure everyone is awake. No one answers and I can't hear any movement.
"We have our first interview today!" It's like a blur. Everyone up and running to get on clothes, brush their teeth, and put on their make up before heading out. 

"Uhh...CC... you missed a spot" Kathryn pointed out. We all looked to the side of his neck where there was a bruise. 
"Uhh CC?" Jake giggles while CC goes into his bedroom to try and cover it.
"Nice work Kit Kat!" Jake says while he high fives her.
"Well thank you. Atleast someone appreciated my work" Kathryn laughs.
"Christian! You don't have time!"

"Using my full name?" I sigh and nod.
"Yes I am Christian. This is important" I exclaim.
​​"Okay Okay I'm coming" We all exit the house, get into the car and drive to the interview. 

​​​​-Le time skip to the interview- 
"So Andy, what was the inspiration for the band?" 
"Umm well i think we all grew up with the band's, Blink-182, Kiss, and we wanted to take inspiration off of them and try and make our own style. We didn't want to copy them as we're not as good as Kiss or Blink, we just wanted to make our own music" I clear my throat and look around at everyone nodding and taking on what i had to say.
"Is that long enough? I can go on for another ten minutes If you want" I chuckle as we move swiftly on from the subject. 

​​​​"So as you're the newest band in the scene we all want to know. Are you all single?" We all chuckle and look at CC. In the time we all looked at him, his face dropped and we realised what we'd done. 
"Well yes we're all single" 
"What's that on your neck?" 
​​​​"Oh that? Well when I have to straigten my hair sometimes I burn myself so that's what that is" CC said rather convincingly. 

"Okay. Nice. So Ashley you were the lead singer for another band. Is that correct?"
"That is correct yes" 
"How does it feel to play bass for Black Veil Brides?" I look over at Ashley who was thinking about his answer.

​​​​"Well like Andy said we took out insperation from other bands-" He clears his throat and looks at me.
"I think this band is more my style than the other band, and I'm grateful to be in this band" 

The Interview goes on asking questions and playing a few games. This is amazing. I never thought that the song Knives and Pens would take off this quickly. We already have a fan base, that like the same music as us, that like the one song we have out already. Ashley and Kathryn have their last day in school today, so after this they go in for a couple of lessons; they then come on tour with us as we're opening for a couple of bands.

"Thank You for coming onto the show and he interview"​​​​​
"It was fun" Jinxx laughs.
I just want to say that the girl with the purple hair is called Kathryn and she's.. very special to me so don't hurt her" CC says before smiling at her. He's going to blow it. 

"Yes special. Thanks for having us"
​​​​​​"Well that's all a have time for tonight. Goodbye"

-Ashleys POV- 
"Would you guys like to stay for the after party?" 
"We would just Kathryn and I have to go back to school. It's our last day"
"Of course. Okay bye guys" We wave and leave the area with Kathryn and Carys.
​​​​"How was that?" Kathryn asks me while throwing her arm over my shoulders.
​​​​"That was amazing!" 
​​​"Can I come in next time?" 

​​​​​​"Yes!! I need my best Friend there!" She giggles and bows, practising her strategy.
"Go to CC. Hes just sad" She laughs and runs up to CC,  jumping onto his back.

The Project (An Ashley Purdy/CC Fanfic)(Not Shipped Together )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora