Chapter three: The Shooting Star.

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A/N Hello little llamas. I edited a picture up there ^ of the new PJ. It took me a while tl free crop Percy's face to Cyborg's body. I also kinda pixelized it.

I also plan to write my own Joker theories.

I do not own PJ

Hope you enjoy this CHAP

Third Person

A mortal girl would have burned into crisps when she rampages down through the atmosphere.

But this girl was not a regular girl. She is in fact, a demi-titan.

As she plundered into what seems her death, a giant figure flew by, within a blink of an eye, the said figure grabbed the teen ager's waist.

She squeeled at the unexpected contact, as the man held her tighter with every feet that had passed.

Her eyes widened in fears when she realizes that her end was a few meters away.

But the man had plans. Spreading his magnificent wings he stopped the fall last-second.

The girl was breathing heavily, but the man stayed calm, as if nothing ever happened.

When they finally hit the ground softly, the girl sighed in relief as her soft feet touched the silky grass lit by the wonderful moonlight.

It was at that momment when she realized her... situation.

Yanking herself from the man's strong grip, she stumbled upon the plush dirt.

She looked back to see the man, who seemed to stay within the shadows.

Her eyes strained to at least see some of the mans features, until she heard a low, nicley toned voice spread out of the mans mouth.

"Hey dear friend. Do you mind telling me what happened to you?"

She stared at the mysterious figure behind the shadows. She wasn't even sure if she was staring at him. All she new was that this man's voice was familiar. Not quite as it is before, but it was as familiar as she should've rememmbered. And the way pronounced his words, it was the sound of those city boys that she utterly hate.

But even if this particular voice was familiar, she just can't pin point who the man is. Which is apperently frustrating for her.

She then shook the thoughts of and deal with the matter at hand.

She cleared her throat and with much demand, she said "Who are you and what do you want from me?"

The man slowly stepped out the shadows. Not quite revealing himself yet. "I'm surprised Zoë, what made you speak so modern like?"

She hesitated at the man who called her name. But she herself together and took of her pointed tiara worn around her forehead. It was her only weapon. Pointing the sharp edge of the tiara to where she thinks the man is, she slowly said "One, do not call me by my name, because a certain godess can find me if you do. Two, how do you know my name? And three, answer my question OR ELSE."

The man smirked at her reaction but did as he was told. "Fine, i'll call you Twinle toes from now on. And hi. Name's Percy Jackson. That's why I know your name."

Zoë stayed emotionless. Sticking her pointed tiara out. "Come out of the dark boy."

Percy stepped out of the shadows, showing his signature crooked smile.

He had on what seems to be and elastic suit designed with blue colored symbols. His toned muscles buldged out of his suit giving him a very athletic figure.

PERCY JACKSON: The Hero ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now